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Planet Zoo gets a beta gameplay trailer

Planet Zoo gets a beta gameplay trailer

Planet Coaster's little brother is unveiled in a new gameplay video. Warning, cute animals approaching!

As Planet Zoo is released at the end of the month, Frontier is sharing a new gameplay trailer for its next zoological management game, in line with the upcoming release of the beta on September 24, which will last until October 8.

On the program, a glimpse of the Career and Franchise modes, distilled in various settings surrounded by wildlife.

As a reminder, Planet Zoo will be available on November 5th on PC.

Written by Benjamin Cahot. Translated from French by

Song of Horror gets a trailer and a release date

This horror title offers an adventure that can be experienced from different points of view, with an AI that adapts to our decisions and promises players will never have the same experience twice.

Millenium Rédaction