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LoL — New 2019 Halloween Skins for Blitzcrank, Kassadin and Miss Fortune

LoL — New 2019 Halloween Skins for Blitzcrank, Kassadin and Miss Fortune

Halloween will soon be knocking on your door — an opportunity for Riot to release the traditional skins celebrating the event. This year, Witch’s Brew Blitzcrank, Count Kassadin, and Bewitching Miss Fortune will spread terror in the Summoner's Rift!

LoL — New 2019 Halloween Skins for Blitzcrank, Kassadin and Miss Fortune

Halloween is back in League of Legends! After Trick or Treat Ekko, Count Kledula, and Bewitching Janna last year, give a warm welcome to Witch’s Brew Blitzcrank, Count Kassadin, and Bewitching Miss Fortune!

It had been more than 1454 days since the Void Walker had not received a skin (690 days for Blitzcrank and "only" 320 days for Miss Fortune).

Bewitching Miss Fortune —1350 RP

League of Legends

Bewitching Miss Fortune: Prestige Edition — 100 Prestige Points

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In-game preview

Count Kassadin —1350 RP

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In-game preview


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League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends

Witch's Brew Blitzcrank —1350 RP

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In-game preview

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League of Legends
League of Legends

We should probably expect some chromas for Blitzcrank, that will shortly be unveiled. The three skins are currently tested on the PBE and should be shipped to the live servers alongside patch 9.21.

League of Legends Patch 9.20 notes — Garen and Shaco finally reworked

Three weeks later, after several tweaks having been reverted, Garen's changes have finally been shipped to the liver servers. Alongside the rework of Shaco, some nerfs and buffs should shake the current League of Legends meta upside down!

Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo