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Fortnite: New Map for Chapter 2, Season 1

Fortnite: New Map for Chapter 2, Season 1

The 'Apollo' map, on which Fortnite Chapter 2 will likely take place, has seemingly been leaked. It will naturally be an island, of course, but will feature rivers and lagoons — perfect for driving boats!

Fortnite: New Map for Chapter 2, Season 1

Entirely expected in the community, and now seemingly certain — Fortnite will have a new map for Chapter 2.

Although not confirmed by Epic Games, an image of the potenial new map has been uncovered by some of the biggest Fortnite leakers on the planet, xkleinmikex, HYPEX and PHLPAT. 

The first thing that strikes us is the number of rivers it contains. While interaction with water has been limited in Fortnite in the past, it's now pretty common knowledge that players will be able to swim and travel by boat in Chapter 2.



Regarding locations on the map, there are some reimaginings of existing places, and others that are entirely new — as revealed last month.

Here is the complete list of locations uncovered so far:

  • Sunny Shores
  • Holly Hedges
  • Pleasant Park
  • Salty Springs
  • Weeping Woods
  • Slurpy Swamp
  • Beachy Bluffs
  • Frenzy Farm
  • Lazy Lake
  • Power Plant
  • Dirty Docks
  • Retail Row
Trailer leaks for the Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 1 Battle Pass!

Yet another leak relating to the new season of Fortnite has revealed a new Battle Pass trailer, showing off new cosmetics, new vehicles, and the map as a whole. Here is everything you need to know about the Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 1 Battle Pass!

David Duffy
David W. Duffy

Editor in Chief, MGG EN | Repatriated Geordie, former teacher, grammarian. Editor of many things for a decade and a half, most of which you've probably never heard of.