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Explorers Campaign - Hearthstone, Galakrond's Awakening: Chapter 4 Guide

Hearthstone, Galakrond's Awakening: Chapter 4 Guide
Explorers Campaign
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The fourth chapter of Galakrond's Awakening, Hearthstone's latest solo adventure, is called Showdown in Dalaran. On this page you can access all the information about the E.V.I.L campaign version — but don't worry, explorer friends, you'll find all the information for your camp on the other page!

  • You will be able to access this fourth chapter for 700 pieces or $6,99, like all the other chapters.
  • You will get two copies of each card rewarded at the end of boss fights (except legendary ones)!

Showdown in Dalaran: The Explorers campaign

In the course of this adventure, the forces of the Good and the E.V.I.L will face each other one last time in Northrend, for the future of the world of Azeroth. In a similar way to the first, the second and the third chapter you will play as one of the Explorers, and you will face these the vile Legions of E.V.I.L., in order to thwart their plans... Your deck (and your opponent's) is pre-built and themed according to your hero!

First Battle: Karl the Savior vs George the Fallen

For this fight, you and your opponents are both playing Paladin decks that rely on Silver Hand Recruits. The only difference between Karl and George is their different hero powers:

Playing Karl, your hero power Golden Aegis gives a friendly minion Divine Shield for (2) mana.

Your opponent, George, has a hero power named Golden Blade, allowing him to give his weapon +1 Attack for (2) mana.

Nothing very complicated in this fight, clean the opponent's board, put minions with Taunt at the right time, and the deal will be in the bag!

Heroic Mode

Nothing changes.

At the outcome of this battle, you will be rewarded with two copies of Shotbot.

Second Battle: Commander Elise vs Waxrider Togwaggle

Elise plays a Druid and Priest deck with the hero power Plan Ahead: for (2) mana, she can look at the top three cards of her deck to then choose one to draw.

Reno is the prisoner of Waxrider Togwaggle, and can only escape after five turns.

Waxrider Togwaggle is playing a Rogue deck relying on candles: such as in the previous chapters, his hero power — Maximum Waximum — allows him to summon a 1/1 Living Candle that has the following Deathrattle: Equip a Wax Lance. If you have already one, give it +1/+1. The Lance itself has also a Deathrattle: Summon 1/1 Living Candles equal to this weapon's Attack.

In other words, Waxrider Togwaggle's hero power can generate an endless cycle. To defeat him, you'll need to use your AoE to take control over the board. The Perfect Idea will help you generate these kinds of spells.

On the Waxrider side, we have Reno which requires 5 turns before it can escape. He plays a Thief deck with a candle theme, as you might have guessed. His heroic power at (1) invokes a 1/1 live candle. This candle has an Agony Rail which equips Looter Wax with a wax spear or gives him +1/+1. The spear, it, recreates as many candles as it has of attack... An endless cycle. To defeat him, count on your AoE and also on your randomly generated cards with notably The Perfect Idea which will be able to give you spells that Silence all the opposing creatures.

Heroic Mode

No difference.

At the outcome of this fight, you'll be rewarded with two Escaped Manasaber copies.

Last Battle: The Amazing Reno vs Rafaam, Prime Evil

For this last fight, you face Rafaam who tries to invoke Galakrond. To summon him, he will have to invoke him five times in order to complete the ritual.

With Reno, things are still as random as ever, and your hero power perfectly reflects it:

  • Passive — Gatling Magic: After you cast a spell, cast a random spell of the same cost.

You play a Rogue Mage deck, and you'll occasionally draw cards embodying the other Explorers such as Sir Finley, Elise or Brann.

Rafaam uses many Invoke cards from all E.V.I.L. classes.

Each time he invokes, an effect similar to the Warlock's will create two Imps with increasing stats on the board. The first time they are 1/1, the second 2/2, etc...

Once Rafaam has invoked five times, he goes up to 150 HP and becomes Galakrond. Each time he invokes, he triggers his passive hero power:

  • Unleash Galakrond: Invoke Galakrond to summon an 8/8 Dragon with Taunt and unleash a Devastation.

On the other hand, you learn that Reno is a dragon after completing a mysterious quest called Draconic Potential that requires you to spend 15 crystals on spells!

You take your Draconic form and start at 50HP with a brand new hero power:

  • Passive — Flap-plosion: Spell Damage +2. Your spells cast twice.

It goes without saying that succeeding in this fight requires you to complete this quest as fast as possible.

From time to time, Rafaam will give you the Cursed! card that will inflict you 2 damage per turn until you get rid of it by paying (2) mana.

To win this fight, you'll have to play your AoE carefully since Galakrond will gradually summon more and more threats. His weapon is quite powerful and will allow him to wreak havoc onto your board — but rest assured, he cannot strike your face with it.

If you lose more than half of your life, three dragons with Taunt will be summoned on your side of the board to protect you.

Heroic Mode

No change in your opponent's heroic power.

At the outcome of this battle, you will be rewarded with one copy of The Amazing Reno and two copies of Steel Beetle

Everything about Galakrond's Awakening

The third chapter of Galakrond's Awakening was just released yesterday. Fights, rewards, price — everything you need to know about Hearthstone's latest solo adventure is in this dedicated article!

Jean-Vincent Cannata

Hearthstone / Legends of Runeterra / Overwatch / Magic Arena
Jeux de stratégie = <3, Jeux de rôles et de société = <3
"Il y a du bon en ce monde, monsieur Frodon, et il faut se battre pour cela."

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