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Hearthstone: Combo Priest deck guide

Hearthstone: Combo Priest deck guide

Every meta has its Combo Priest decklist, and Galakrond's Awakening is no exception. This time, some changes are to be expected, with two lists, one of them using the quest!

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Descent of Dragons has finally arrived in Hearthstone and with it the new Invoke mechanic, the new Galakrond hero for E.V.I.L classes and side quests.

As expected, this new expansion transformed the meta and the recent release of Galakrond's Awakening also shook things upside down!

Quest Combo Priest

Code: AAECAa0GDqUJ0P4C3asD+AK98wLTpQP8owP7DKWhA4S2A6mlA/O3A6bwAqCAAwjSCvIM5QTRCtKlA7i2A7ulA/YHAA==

New cards: -

Galakrond's Awakening cards: Licensed Adventurer, Sky Gen'ral Kragg, Escaped Manasaber

Combo Priest

Code: AAECAa0GDvYHoIADp4cD/KMDqaUDhKgD2KwD8qwDha0DjrEDkbEDhLYDmbYDn7cDCPgC5QTRCtIK8gz9pwOYtgOatgMA

New cards: Mindflayer Kaahrj, Breath of the Infinite, Murtozond the Infinite, Dragonqueen Alexstrasza

Galakrond's Awakening cards: Cleric of Scales, Dark Prophecy, Escaped Manasaber, Aeon Reaver

The gameplay of the Combo Priest didn't change — and it will remain the same until a possible departure of Divine Spirit and/or Inner Fire to the Hall of Fame.

You will have to summon and make survive by all means at least one minion on the board (preferably after having played High Priest Amet. This way, all your future minions like the Injured Tol'vir, the Northshire Cleric or even the Acolyte of Pain, will land with a minimum of 7 HP — 9 if Amet has received a Power World: Shield and 14 if it has been buffed by Divine Spirit.

On the one hand, this will create an almost impassable wall for a possible aggressive opponent. On the other hand, you'll always have a minion on the board threatening to close the game. Topsy Turvy is also a good method to surprise and finish off your enemy.

The first list plays on the quest: Activate of the Obelisk, which will be very powerful at the end of the game, allowing the use of the Licensed Adventurer, Questing Explorer, and Sky Gen'ral Kragg. Escaped Manasaber will be able to give you that little extra mana that your combo might be missing, while not being able to be targeted until it attacks.

For the second list, the idea is different and is based on a semi-highlander including Dragonqueen Alexstrasza at the end of the game. The vast majority of your doubles can be recovered beforehand thanks to Bwonsamdi, the Dead. One also benefits from the Dark Prophecy which will be able to bring you an interesting minion, while giving him +3 HP. Beware of your Cleric of the Scales, which will often a dead card, in view of your low number of Dragons. However, it will be rather nice at the end of the game, if you draw them with Bwonsamdi.

All Galakrond's Awakening cards revealed!

The third chapter of Galakrond's Awakening introduces to us eight new cards that are joining the pool! Overall, 35 new cards will be added to the game — they're all in this article!

Jean-Vincent Cannata

Hearthstone / Legends of Runeterra / Overwatch / Magic Arena
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"Il y a du bon en ce monde, monsieur Frodon, et il faut se battre pour cela."

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