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Sniper - Valorant: Advanced Weapons Guide

Valorant: Advanced Weapons Guide
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1100¤ and 101 damage to the body. Against an unshielded enemy, the Marshal will oneshot if you put a bullet in the chest or head. Add to this damage the near-perfect accuracy of the Marshal in noscope and his high rate of fire for a sniper, and you get a good weapon. If you now consider its price, it's a very good weapon. You'll buy the Marshal when you don't have enough for the Operator or you want to make sure you don't die with the OP so you don't give it to the other team. Like any sniper, the distance will be your greatest ally.


4500¤. One-shot to the body and head. Just like the AWP from CS: GO, the Operator is simply murderous. Be careful however with its high price, its low number of bullets and the risk of dying with it by making the enemy team benefit from it. In any case, the Operator remains a great value and will make carnage in the right hands. His unscope, however, is not accurate. With skills you will overcome this problem thanks to the fast-scope which is quite simple to master, but you'll have to get used to it.

Benoit Pinot

Disons que je chapeaute un peu tout ce qui est World of Warcraft, Dofus et Star Citizen sur le territoire Levalloisien.

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