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Where to find Platinum Veins for Platinum Ore in New World

Where to find Platinum Veins for Platinum Ore in New World

Platinum Ore is a Tier IV resource you'll need to level your Smelting Trade Skill in New World, and the veins it's sourced from are found all over Aeternum. Here are the best places to look.

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Platinum Veins are a node found in the wilds of New World, which players can mine for Platinum Ore.

A light, silvery color, we'd suggest there are five main clusters of Platinum Veins throughout Aeternum.

Here's what you'll need and where to find Platinum Ore in New World.

What do you need Platinum Ore for in New World?

A Tier IV metal used in Smelting, mining Iron Veins will give you ore that is used used to create Platinum Ingots. This is then used in a number of Arcana, Weaponsmithing, Engineering and Jewelcrafting recipes.

In order to mine Platinum Veins, you'll need a Mining Pickaxe. There's a level requirement of 110 to mine them, and you'll be able to track Platinum Vein nodes from Mining Skill Lv. 135.

New World: Smelting Guide

A refiining skill that will provide you with Ingots and other key resources for crafting, here's all you need to know about Smelting in Amazon's New World.

The best locations to farm Platinum Ore in New World

Given it's a rare metal, there aren't too many areas in which you'll find it. Veins tend to be found in clusters, and we've identified five that are efficient enough to farm. 

Ebonscale Reach

Starting in the Ebonscale Reach settlement, head in a circle anticlockwise around the mountain behind it to collect the nodes there. To the south is another mountain with a few nodes you can collect.

Head past the Pilgrim's Rest shrine and east to the coast, where the final cluster is found at Stormcourt Shipment.

Platinum Ore Locations in Ebonscale Reach.


Starting at the Valor Hold Outpost, you'll want to circle clockwise through Fanglethorn Pass, gathering nodes as you go. 

Hop across the water on the other side of the mountain to Bramblecliff towards Ombrage, and then gather the last remaining nodes from the ridge around the circular lake there. 

Platinum Ore Locations in Edengrove.

Great Cleave

The best in-and-out farming spot, fast travel into the Tempest Valley Shrine and then head into the Defiler Excavation. There's a load of nodes here in the self-enclosed valley.

Platinum Ore Locations in Great Cleave.


Starting at the Time's Advantage shrine, head northwest to the mountains there. Bearing north-northeast along the ridge, mine the nodes. 

Keep heading north past Mosswater Bourg and collect the nodes around Skyview Repose, before crossing the river and exiting via Bearclaw Shrine.

Platinum Ore Locations in Reekwater.

Shattered Mountain

Fast Travel into Oly Myrkgard Shrine and then head west, where there's loads of nodes in the enclosed area around Ambusti Inferior/Superior. 

Then, back out and head south past Mountainhome, with nodes in the range to the west of Caminus. 

Platinum Ore Locations in Shattered Mountain.

Know any other good Platinum Ore locations? Let us know in the comments section below!

Map images courtesy of MapGenie.

David Duffy
David W. Duffy

Editor in Chief, MGG EN | Repatriated Geordie, former teacher, grammarian. Editor of many things for a decade and a half, most of which you've probably never heard of.

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