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Where to find Earthcrag for Earth Mote & Loamy Lodestone in New World

Where to find Earthcrag for Earth Mote & Loamy Lodestone in New World

Motes are a key resource in New World, used as components in several Arcana recipes among others. Earth Motes and Loamy Lodestones can be found when mining Earthcrag nodes, and here's the best places to look.

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Earthcrag is a node that is farmed using the Mining skill in New World, and gives off Earth Motes and Loamy Lodestones.

A rock dominated by a bright green crystal, here's what you'll need and where the best areas are to find Earthcrag in Aeternum.

What do you need Earthcrag for in New World?

A special type of rock formation that gives off Earth Reagents, the two primary drops will be Earth Motes and Loamy Lodestones. Both are key Arcana ingredients.

Earth Motes are used in a whole load of concoctions, including potions and coatings, and the cutting of Emerald and Amber gemstones. It is also a key resource in crafting the Elemental Heart, a mid-level reagent in ultimately creating Tuning Orbs and Voidbent Ingots.

Loamy Lodestones, meanwhile, are also used in several tinctures, potions, and coatings, as well as the Obsidian Voidstone - required for the Dynasty Tuning Orb and Runestones..

In order to mine Earthcrag, you'll need a Mining Pickaxe. There's a level requirement of 50 to mine them, and you'll be able to track Earthcrag nodes from Mining Skill Lv. 75.

New World: Arcana Guide

A crafting skill that will provide you with magic weapons, potions and tinctures, here's all you need to know about the Arcana Trade Skill in Amazon's New World.

The best locations to farm Earthcrag in New World

These are the clusters we think are best for power-farming Earthcrag.


There's two main clusters of Earthcrag in Edengrove. The first is centred around a triangle of Nettlevex, Basalrot Bridge, and Asterwilt Bridge, just north of the Valor Hold Outpost.

The second is to the south, west of the Blighted Shrine. Fast travel in then head towards Festermire, where there are six or seven potential nodes.

Earthcrag Locations in Edengrove.


These nodes are plentiful, but spread out in the northern half of the territory. As such, it's not the most efficient farming spot.

The best way to farm these is to start at Mourningdale Hamlet, and run a skewered route clockwise that takes in Ram's Respite, Cragview, Fangsnap's Den and Bronzethroat Burrow.

Earthcrag Locations in Mourningdale.

Restless Shore

The same applies for Restless Shore - nodes are spread out across the whole region. As such, it's the kind of place you collect Earthcrag as you complete the territory's quests, rather than port in for some power-farming.

Earthcrag Locations in Restless Shore.

Great Cleave

Great Cleave, as with most resources, is a great spot for power-farming. There are two main clusters that are great for in-and-out raids.

The first area is close to the Eastburn Outpost - one cluster is a fraction to the northeast, the other to the southeast around the Gelida Pillars.

Earthcrag Locations in Great Cleave.

Know any other good Earthcrag locations? Let us know in the comments section below!

Map images courtesy of MapGenie.

David Duffy
David W. Duffy

Editor in Chief, MGG EN | Repatriated Geordie, former teacher, grammarian. Editor of many things for a decade and a half, most of which you've probably never heard of.

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