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How to unlock the Baldesion 56 players Raid in FFXIV

How to unlock the Baldesion 56 players Raid in FFXIV

Baldesion is the final step of Eureka in Final Fantasy XIV and is introduced as a 56 players raid inside of the last zone of Eureka: Hydatos. Here's our complete guide on how to unlock Baldesion.

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Introduced in patch 4.55 of Final Fantasy XIV released in Fébruary 2019, Baldesion is the last bit of your journey in Eureka. This raid has been designed to be played by 56 players and is one of the most unforgiving duty in the game.

In fact, dying in Baldesion often means the end of your run as you'll get kicked out if your raise didn't go through. You will also lose a level if you die there as unlike Bozja, deaths means leveling down.

FFXIV Unlocking The Baldesion Arsenal Guide

Unlocking The Baldesion Arsenal is not that quick as players will first need to unlock and complete the four zones of Eureka, if you missed how to do it, here is our dedicated articles:

Getting access to Pyros and then Hydatos qui require that you completed at least one Pagos relic weapon to it's final stage. Once in Hydatos you will also be asked to reach level 60 and complete all the quests available from Krile. The quest from Gerolt isn't required.

Once you have fulfilled all these requirements you will need to speak with the Expedition Scholar at Hydatos' camp to unlock Baldesion.

Accessing the raid will then be quite easy once you find a group, most of the time (if not always) baldesion groups are always planned outside of the game via discords or forums as the raid's hard and not cleared that often in blind mode.

Clearing Eureka and Baldesion can be a great goal to use your time before Endwalker and with the delay on the expansion you just might have time to do so.

What to expect from Endwalker in FFXIV?

Many changes are to be expected with Endwalker, both with the classes and the already existing features. The new eight-player raid tier "Pandemonium" will also be introduced with the expansion.

While waiting for the release of this major game update which will introduce the new Reaper and Sage classes, you can take advantage of our many guides on the content already available here.

Our portal will also be updated as soon as possible with the latest information on Endwalker ahead of its release and plenty of content starting December 3rd.

FFXIV Player Count explodes as Endwalker Approaches

How many players are they in Final Fantasy XIV? And how many are playing actively or in the end-game content? Here's everything about the current state of the game as Endwalker is just a few weeks away.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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