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MGG / Games guides / Diablo 4 Sanctuary's map revealed at BlizzCon /

Hell - Diablo 4 Sanctuary's map revealed at BlizzCon

Diablo 4 Sanctuary's map revealed at BlizzCon
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It's not strictly speaking part of Sanctuary, but it should be mentioned. Little is known about what Hell will bring in Diablo 4, we just know that it can be visited, and that it will most certainly be full of demons. It would not be surprising if developers chose to make it a new form of Nephalem Rifts for example.

Hell's Gate
Diablo 4: Q&A about the game with the developers

Our on-site envoys to BlizzCon were able to interview Diablo IV developers as a group with the rest of the press. Here is a summary of the answers and information obtained, crafts, classes, multiplayer, offline, objects, monetization, everything goes through.

Robin Bouquet
Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

Journalist & project manager

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