Fortbyte number 72 of the decryption challenge is in Salty Springs. Find its location easily with this guide.

Fortbyte number 72 of the decryption challenge is in Salty Springs. Find its location easily with this guide.
The Fortbyte number 7 of the decryption challenge is found on condition that the cuddly emoticon is used inside a stone umbrella. Find its location easily with this guide.
The decryption challenge number chip is obtained on condition that the Rox aerosol is used in an underground passage. Find its location easily with this guide.
The Fortbyte number 8 of the decryption challenge is obtained on condition that you look for Junk Junction. Find it easily with this guide.
The Fortbyte number 64 of the decryption challenge can be found if you look for Rox on top of Stunt Mountain. Find it easily with this guide.
Fortbyte number 17 can be obtained on condition: you have to search in a wooden fish building. Find it easily with this guide.
Landing at Snobby Shores... and many other locations is Fortnite Battle Royale's Week 2 Step Challenge of Season 9. Discover the other places where you will have to land in this article.
Going to a huge phone, a big piano & a fishing trophy is one of the challenges of week 2 of the Fortnite season 9 battle pass. Find the location of these objects on the map to complete your challenge.
To find Fortbyte number 81 of the decryption challenge, you have to search in broad daylight near a cactus formation on a mountain top. Find it easily with this guide.
Fortbyte number 82 of the decryption challenge is obtained by solving the enigma of the plates to be driven in northwest of the Bloc. Find it easily with this guide.
The Fortbyte number 55 of the Fortnite decryption challenge is found with the index "search in Haunted Hills". Find it easily with this guide.
The Fortbyte number 92 of the Fortnite decryption challenge is found using the "stone couple" spray near a lava cascade. Find it easily with this guide.
Fortnite's decryption challenge Fortbyte number 47 is located between a recovery van, a pirate camp and a crashed combat bus. Find it easily with this guide.
Fortnite's decryption challenge Fortbyte number 24 is located in Fatal Fields. Find it easily with this guide.
Find the location of the hidden star of the Utopia challenges of week 1 of season 9 of Fortnite.
Visiting all sky platforms is one of the challenges of week 1 of season 9 of Fortnite, find the locations of all sky platforms in this article.
Fortnite's decryption challenge Fortbyte number 13 is located in the "hidden location on loading screen #2". Find it easily with this guide.
Searching with a sentinel on an icy island is the clue to find the location of Fortbyte number 36 of the decryption challenge of season 9 of Fortnite, find the Fortbyte easily with this guide.
Find the location of the hidden star of the expedition challenges of week 10 of season 8 of Fortnite.
Collect wood, stone and metal in one game is one of the challenges of week 10 of Fortnite Battle Royale season 8. Find the most effective harvesting locations in this article to easily complete this challenge.
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