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First major PlayStation 5 update is now available

First major PlayStation 5 update is now available

It features USB drive storage options, cross-generation Share Play and more.

First major PlayStation 5 update is now available

Yesterday, Senior Vice President Hideaki Nishino announced via the PlayStation Blog that the first big PS5 update was arriving today. The update is npw available and it brings some interesting new options and improvements.

For instance, users can now transfer their PS5 games to USB extended storage from the console’s internal storage. Apart from freeing up extra space, this is also a useful feature because it is faster to reinstall PS5 games from a USB drive. However, it's worth mentioning that games can’t be played from these devices: it's only a storage option.

A second relevant feature has to do with cross-generation Share Play. Now, both PS4 and PS5 players can "Share Play together while chatting in parties", meaning a PS4 user can now see and even play what a PS5 user is playing, and the other way around.

The update also features new enhanced controls and personalization options, such as:

  • Improved Game Base.
  • Disable Game Chat or Adjust Players’ Volume.
  • Game Update Pre-download.
  • Customize Game Library.
  • Screen Zoom.
  • New Trophy Settings and Stats Screen.

For further details, please check the PlayStation Blog post.

While not confirmed officially yet, The Verge reported two more new options. One has to do with HDR and the other with 120hz support. Players can now "automatically switch video output to non-HDR when you’re using a game or app that doesn’t support HDR" and use PC monitors that support a 120hz refresh rate.

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Axel Bosso

News writer, MGG EN | Argentinian freelance journalist. Almost a psychologist. Shameless Yakuza lover, Fighting Games enthusiast.