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PROJECT skins announced for League of Legends

PROJECT skins announced for League of Legends

New skins are coming for six Champions, plus a Prestige Edition skin for Sylas

PROJECT skins announced for League of Legends

We've seen teasers for the next PROJECT skins recently, but we now have an official announcement from League of Legends.

The latest set of skins are for Senna, Renekton, Sejuani, and Sylas, as well as the previewed Mordekaiser and Varus.

With them hitting the PBE now, we should see these skins come to live servers on the next patch, 11.11, which would be due to deploy May 26th.

PROJECT Senna - League of Legends
PROJECT Renekton - League of Legends
PROJECT Renekton
PROJECT Sejuani - League of Legends
PROJECT Sylas - League of Legends
PROJECT Sylas Prestige Edition - League of Legends
PROJECT Sylas Prestige Edition
PROJECT Varus - League of Legends
PROJECT Mordekaiser - League of Legends
PROJECT Mordekaiser

All turnarounds from Riot Moonstones. This is also the Event Prestige skin that was promised for Sylas!

Alistar Barratt

English Nerd, Linguistics Enthusiast, Meme Connoisseur, Coffee Reliant. Alistar is here to bring some freshly-baked news for your reading pleasure!