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Positioning is Key - Domination Guide: 7 tips to capture more objectives and kills in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Domination Guide: 7 tips to capture more objectives and kills in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
Positioning is Key
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Hold Down the Fort

Positioning is key. Don’t stand on top of objectives. You don’t even have to be close to them. You just need lines of sight. Find vantage points overlooking the objectives and key parts of the map. Perfect spots don’t exist because that would ruin the game’s balance.

Play maps a lot to figure out where people tend to go. Pay attention to routes, spots players stop, and where the action unfolds. Excellent lines of sight are a culmination of that knowledge and experience. People have habits and might repeat their routes, but they also learn from their mistakes. That means switching spots after kills and anticipating enemy reactions to outsmart their offensive.

Your best spot in one game might be your worst in another. Communicate with your teammates to cover more of the map and strengthen your defense. There are times to clump together to overwhelm an objective. However, the more eyes in different spots, the better you’ll understand the situation and how to halt any approach.

Experiment with different spots to stay unpredictable throughout the match. Cold War features some situational lines of sight like the sniper tower in the back of Checkmate. It’s not the best spot, although it is good for a brief mixup, assuming you know where to look.

Tim Palmieri
Tim Palmieri

Producer, Journalist, and Editor. Other hobbies include cooking, hiking, and walking through stores without buying anything.

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