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Watson District - Cyberpunk 2077: Night City map and all areas, districts, and locations to discover in-game

Cyberpunk 2077: Night City map and all areas, districts, and locations to discover in-game
Watson District
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Arasaka Waterfront

Seen as the private island of Arasaka, especially because of the fortifications surrounding it, this district is a key point in their supply chain. It's there that automated robots transit to foreign countries or to other warehouses in Night City.

Originally, the Watson District was built by Japanese companies that stood up to Arasaka. It had everything from nightclubs, skyscrapers, corporate offices, a high-end health care center and more.

When Arasaka returned after the 4th Corporate War, it devastated the neighborhood's economy, leaving its competitors powerless and thousands of Night City residents homeless.

Today, the company has taken over the neighborhood, and more specifically the district, which provides the bulk of its activity.


  • Konpeki Plaza: Residence specially reserved for Arasaka's employees and where Yorinobu Arasaka — Saburo and Michiko's youngest son — resides.

Little China

Once a quiet corner with modern and efficient facilities, Little China became — after its reconstruction in 2040 — a vast district overpopulated by immigration from Asia. It's similar to the slums of Night City, where social classes mix and it's good to have fun with the many strip clubs, casinos and other bars.

No one claims Little China territory, but Tiger Claws hang out there frequently.


  • V's apartment: This apartment will allow you to change clothes, weapons, sleep and bring people to there for one night. On the decoration side, it'll depend on your choice of Lifepath and will evolve throughout your adventure.
  • Lizzie's Bar: Headquarters of the Mox, this bar and strip club advocates respect for its employees. Judy Alvarez, member of the gang, is regularly there.
  • Misty's Esoterica & Victor Vector's workshop: Misty's Esoterica is a new age "screen" business. The ripperdoc Victor Vector has set up his workshop there, sheltered from pests.

Northside Industrial District

Dubbed the NID, the Northside Industrial District was a thriving environment for industry, but is now plagued by financial crisis and poverty. The Japanese had invested heavily in the area, but the earthquakes also put lead in the wing.

Today, only a few mid-level employees still reside there to run the few remaining factories. The Maelström now claim this piece of Night City by using the abandoned buildings as braindance studios or hiding places for the loot diverted to transport.


Kabuki is a maze of narrow streets located right next to Little China. At night, they turn into a bazaar for implants, organs, steroids, and more. Legend has it that you can find everything you're looking for at the Kabuki market. This makes Watson a prime target for the Scavs, a ruthless group of people who harvest people's organs and implants for resale in the market.

Tigers Claws, Mox or even members of the Maëlstrom are present in the region, but Kabuki isn't claimed in any way. Finally, there is one of the most popular braindance brothels in the area, Lizzie's Bar.


  • No-tell Motel: A not very recommendable place, rated two stars on Cyberadvisor where you can get unattractive offers.
Clémence LEMOAL
Clémence "Idril" Lemoal

La Anton Ego du jeu vidéo.

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