Tier Lists
WoW Classic: Spec Tier List

With World of Warcraft: Classic comes with 27 specs in total, with an extra spec thrown in via Bear tanks. If you want to heal, tank or DPS in PvE or PvP content, our tier list is for you.

WoW Classic: Spec Tier List

In the tier list below, we rank each spec for PvP and PvE content in WoW Classic.

All the information in this guide is based on Patch 1.12 and our time in the WoW: Classic Beta

Our tier list covers all the specs and how they perform in PvE content in WoW. We've taken into account a number of aspects, including how they perform in raiding and dungeons, and how they do over a vast range of gear levels.

So, if a spec like Elemental only performs once it has top-end gear, it probably won't feature as an S-tier pick.

World of Warcraft: Classic PvE Spec Tier List


The top dogs, the best of the best. If you want to shine in Classic, especially in the first raid tier, these are the specs for you.

Protection Warrior

Fury Warrior

Holy Priest

Combat Rogue

Fire Mage

Note: An exception has been made in S-Tier for the Fire Mage. The spec is all but useless in raiding during MC and BWL, however, due to its power gain in AQ and beyond we felt S-Tier was its rightful place.


You won't quite be an unstoppable machine, but the specs in this tier will service you through most of Classic with relative ease.

Affliction Warlock

Destruction Warlock

Feral Cat Druid

Restoration Druid

Restoration Shaman

Frost Mage

Survival Hunter

Holy Paladin

Assassination Rogue


These are OK specs, if played well and in the right situation. While not as dominant at all times, they'll have their moment in the limelight.

Elemental Shaman

Protection Paladin

Shadow Priest

Beast Mastery Hunter

Marksmanship Hunter

Subtlety Rogue

Demonology Warlock

Discipline Priest

Arcane Mage

Balance Druid


While they aren't necessarily bad, just make sure you know what you're getting yourself in for. These specs have their moments — especially if you have the right gear — but you'll need to bring your A-game to make them work.

Retribution Paladin

Arms Warrior

Enhancement Shaman

World of Warcraft: Classic PvP Spec Tier List

Below you will find our tier list for all the specs and how they perform in PvP content in WoW.

We've taken into account a number of aspects, including how they perform in Battlegrounds and World PvP, and how they do over a vast range of gear levels.

So, if a spec like Retribution only performs once it has top end gear, it probably won't feature as an S-tier pick.


Arguably the best specs in Classic. You'll likely dominate, regardless of tier set or gear. Just make sure you have the right talents, and you'll boss PvP.

Subtlety Rogue

Arms Warrior

Frost Mage

Affliction Warlock

Survival Hunter

Elemental Shaman

Holy Paladin

Discipline Priest


Great picks for PvP, these specs have the tools to perform at a high level throughout Classic.

Destruction Warlock

Fire Mage

Fury Warrior

Assassination Rogue

Marksmanship Hunter

Feral Combat (Cat)

Holy Priest

Restoration Shaman

Restoration Druid

Restribution Paladin

Beast Mastery Hunter

Shadow Priest


Good options for PvP, these specs are just slightly more gear-dependent than the tiers above. You'll still do well — just make sure you get some gear before queuing for a Battleground.

Enchancement Shaman

Demonology Warlock

Arcane Mage

Balance Druid


This one is reserved for the tanks, as PvP isn't really their wheelhouse. Sure, you might have some joy as a Warsong Gulch flag runner, but we still think you'd be better off looking at the other specs available for your class.

Protection Paladin

Protection Warrior

Written by David Hollingsworth.

Millenium Rédaction