For Patch 1.12 of WoW Classic, check out our complete guide to the Feral Druid, which covers talents, rotation, statistics, equipment and professions.
The Feral Druid in WoW Classic is the feline equivalent to a Rogue, in that it can enter Stealth. On the plus side, you get to be a cat.
Tier B (PvE) Tier A (PvP)
The Feral Cat Druid DPS is, like his Tank counterpart, a specialization that's often mocked by the community as it lacks a role in PvE.
Being very dependent on bleeds, it's often best to off-tank or go Restoration. Nevertheless, the cat is in a fine spot when it comes to raiding in melee. Sure, you'll never be as good as a Combat Rogue or Fury Warrior, but you get to be a cat, and that's pretty cool.
In PvP, you're a monster that few can stop. A very effective solo against any type of target, it also has great use in groups where it fits more or less the role of the Rogue.
Great in PvP
Has battle resurrection
Great utility
Good CC
Can't be disarmed
Solid in all situations
Can't use a number of items in cat form
Lacks a silence or disarm ability
Must be played well to be effective in PvP
Bad community reputation
Will never be as good as other melee specs
Can't do full DPS rotation in raids due to debuff limit
The PvE Leader of the Pack Build focuses on the passive increase in damage dealt by Ferocious Bite, Shred, and your auto attacks in Cat Form, while allowing you to apply Leader of the Pack to other members of your party — guaranteeing a serious gain in DPS.
This is the best DPS build available in WoW Classic for the DPS Feral Cat Specialization in PvE.
Very similar to the PvE variant, this build abandons the Fierce Aggression talent in favour of Natural Shapeshifter, allowing you easier management of your different forms.
However, it is not the best build available in PvP since it lacks the ability to self-sustain, and is only effective if open under Ravage. For example, it's excellent for running down Frost Mages quickly.
The PvP Heart of the Wild Build is the Feral PvP combat specialization.
Very versatile thanks to its many points in the Restoration tree, it allows you to get talents such as Swarm of Insects and Nature's Swiftness while focusing on the power granted by the Heart of Wild .
This is an excellent build whatever the PvP situation, but requires exceptional Druid control.
Stats to prioritize
PvE Leader of the pack
Strength >= Agility > Critical Strike > Hit (9% Cap) > Attack Power
Feral Combat Druid (DPS) gameplay relies exclusively on the use of Shred and Ferocious Bite, because WoW Classic's debuff limit prevents you from applying Rake and Rip. Although it costs you DPS, it's your only way to DPS raids.
Innervate is an ability available to all Druids and is especially powerful when used on a Healer who's running out of mana, or on a caster DPS having similar issues.
Gift of the Wild is essential to any raid group. This is the equivalent of the Mark of the Wild, but for the entire group, saving you a lot of time and mana.
Note: Don't forget to bring Wild Thornroot with you, as one is required for each use of Gift of the Wild.
Best Race For Feral Cat Druid
The Tauren is one of only two races that can be a Druid, alongside the Night Elf.
Endurance is very good for tankiness, and War Stomp is useful in many situations. Finally, Nature Resistance is useful in certain cases, and makes them slightly tankier.
Night Elf
In addition to Quickness giving them a slight gain in survival, Shadowmeld is another decent racial which can see some benefit, allowing you to hide or drop from combat quickly.
Although less useful for Druid, you can use this to dip out of combat then use cat stealth to escape.
World of Warcraft: Classic has a number of races to choose from, and making that choice has long-term consequences. You don't want to regret your choice later, so we've broken down the races in our tier list for WoW: Classic.
If you follow our advice on professions, Herbalism is an excellent choice. Paired with Alchemy, you can be almost self-sufficient.
Even if you don't choose Alchemy, it allows you to farm components for your guild or to sell to the Auction House, making a small fortune.
Alchemy is one of the most important professions in World of Warcraft because it allows for the creation of flasks and various potions, some more useful than others.
The Druid does not need to opt for a particular crafting profession to make a specific armour set, so it's the ideal class for Alchemy.
The Engineer is the best choice by default as it's great in both PvE and PvP.
World of Warcraft: Classic guide to the Druid class. We take a look at all 3 specs, from healing in Restoration to DPSing in Balance and Feral — and we'll even throw in tanking with Feral as well. We give you an overview below.