Enhancement Shaman in WoW Classic is the melee proc specialist who has its wings clipped in raids.
This is the build dedicated exclusively to instances and possibly small raids (up to 20 players max maximum, ideally 10). Entirely DPS oriented, it allows you to maximize it as well as the contribution of your totems to the group. You will usually be assigned to the melee group, so prioritize the use of the Grace of Air Totem and Strength of Earth Totem.
This build is exclusively dedicated to large raids (usually 40 players, but it can be used in those at 20 too). It removes almost entirely your personal DPS from the previous build in order to limit as much as possible your possibilities of taking aggro (which is highly probable in this spec) and gives you a much more focused role "Support". You are only there to put your totems and buff your allies, so choose wisely according to the group in which you are. If you are in the Tanks group, do not hesitate to save the day and give the tank a little Nature's Swiftness.
Let's face it, this is the famous flagship build of Shaman PvP Enhancement. The idea is rather simple since you only have to put some very specific totems (detailed in the Rotation section), run into the melee and annihilate an opponent in a few auto attacks with the help of your powerful Windfury Weapon. Simple, fast, efficient and fun, what more? The only downside of this build is that you will very often run out of mana.
The PvP Speed of Nature Build is much less common than the previous one, but is no less powerful. Much more versatile and tanky, it makes you lose slightly in direct DPS to focus on survival. But make no mistake, Nature's Swiftness coupled with a Chain Lightning after a WindFury Weapon proc will usually kill an opponent in a fraction of a second. This is the most suitable build for Shamans with little equipment or beginners with the PvP Enhancement Specialization.
Stats to prioritize
Hit (9%)> Attack Power = Spell Power> Strength> Intelligence = Agility> Mana every 5 seconds> Stamina> Spirit
Hit (5%)> Stamina> Critical Strike> Attack Power = Strength> Agility> Intelligence> rest
Rotation and abilities
In raid, your rotation is limited to replacing your totems (the ones most useful to the group you are in) before they disappear, and doing automatic attacks. Everything else generates too much threat or costs too much mana to be of any use.
- Keep the most useful totems for your group active all the time,
- Stormstrike as soon as possible,
- Keep Flame Shock on the target all the time,
- Searing Totem,
- Earth Shcok if you have not generated too much threat on the target,
- Frost Shock if you have generated too much threat on the target.
There is no real rotation in PvP, survival and displacement being largely taken into account in addition to the CCs. However, here is what we could remember for a purely DPS rotation:
- Windfury Totem,
- Strength of Earth,
- Grace of Air,
- Fire Nova Totem,
- Flame Shock,
- Stormstrike,
- Earth Shock,
- Earth Shock.