To help ease the burden of levelling in WoW Classic, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide on the best Talents, Weapons, and Professions, as well as other information that you’ll need to know as a Druid.
Stats to Focus On When Levelling
Strength > Agility > Stamina > Intellect = Spirit
Best Build For Levelling
Your main goal in this build is to maximise the strength of Cat Form, and to a lesser degree Bear Form as well. Though it is very weak before Level 10, it is very strong afterwards. However, this build does eventually become less effective from Level 40 onwards. Yet it is still the most effective build, regardless of level. Here are the talents you should prioritise when levelling up:
- Ferocity 5/5
- Thick Hide 5/5
- Sharpened Claws 3/3
- Feline Swiftness 2/2
- Predatory Strikes 3/3
- Improved Shred 2/2
- Faerie Fire (Feral) 1/1
- Nature’s Grasp 1/1
- Improved Nature’s Grasp 4/4
- Natural Weapons 5/5
- Omen of Clarity 1/1
- Furor 5/5
- Natural Shapeshifter 3/3
- Savage Fury 2/2
- Blood Frenzy 2/2
- Heart of the Wild 5/5
- Leader of the Pack 1/1
- Feral Charge 1/1
Note: Before Level 20, put 1 point in Nature’s Grasp, 4 in Improved Nature’s Grasp, and 5 in Natural Weapons. Then respec when you reach Level 20 and follow the order above.
Spells and Abilities to Prioritise
Rotations and Important Information for Levelling
Basic Information
- Constantly buff yourself with Mark of the Wild and Thorns
- Complete the Bear Form quest chain as soon as possible (at Level 10)
- Keep Faerie Fire (Feral) permanently active on yourself
- Don't be afraid to change forms if necessary, adapt to your surroundings to survive
Rotation for Level 1-10
- Rejuvenation
- Wrath
- Wrath
- Moonfire
- Auto-attack until the creature dies
Rotation for Level 10-22
Note: Always use Bear Form in combat until you reach level 20
Rotation for Level 22-32
Note: Always use Cat Form in combat unless you need to survive, in which case you should use Bear Form
Rotation for Level 32-60
Note: Always use Cat Form in combat unless you need to survive, in which case you should use Bear Form or Dire Bear Form (at Level 40+)
- Rejuvenation
- Cat Form
- Prowl
- Pounce or Ravage (depending on the power of the creature)
- Faerie Fire (Feral)
- Rake
- Claw
- Claw
- Ferocious Bite
Useful Weapons and Armour
- Thistlewood Staff, a quest reward from Webwood Venom (Level 3+), given by Gilshalan Windwalker in Teldrassil
- Gritroot Staff, a quest reward from The Relics of Wakening (Level 4+), given by Arthridas Bearmantle in Teldrassil
- Smite's Mighty Hammer, dropped by Mr. Smite in The Deadmines
- Headbasher, a quest reward from The Fury Runs Deep (Level 22+) given by Motley Garmason in Wetlands, taking place in The Stockade
- Manual Crowd Pummeler, dropped by Crowd Pummeler 9-60 in Gnomeregan
- Wolfshead Helm, crafted by Leatherworkers and equipable by Druids at Level 40
- Ironshod Bludgeon, dropped by Ironaya in Uldaman
- The Rockpounder, dropped by Archaedas in Uldaman
- Princess Theradras' Scepter, dropped by Princess Theradas in Maraudon
- Force of Magma, dropped by Bael'gar in Blackrock Depths
- Elder's Cane, a quest reward from Rite of Strength (Level 1+), given by Seer Graytongue in Mulgore
- Goblin Smasher, a quest reward from Supervisor Fizsprocket (Level 5+), given by Morin Cloudstalker in Mulgore
- Cauldron Stirrer, a quest reward from Apothecary Zamah (Level 10+), given by Apothecary Helbrim in The Barrens
- Smite's Mighty Hammer, dropped by Mr. Smite in The Deadmines
- Demolition Hammer, a quest reward from Weapons of Choice (Level 17+), given by Tatternack Steelforge in The Barrens
- Manual Crowd Pummeler, dropped by Crowd Pummeler 9-60 in Gnomeregan
- Wolfshead Helm, crafted by Leatherworkers and equipable by Druids at Level 40
- Ironshod Bludgeon, dropped by Ironaya in Uldaman
- The Rockpounder, dropped by Archaedas in Uldaman
- Princess Theradras' Scepter, dropped by Princess Theradas in Maraudon
- Force of Magma, dropped by Bael'gar in Blackrock Depths
What Race Should I Choose?
Macros and Addons
There aren't any must-have addons specifically for Druids, but here are some that will make your levelling easier across the board:
Written by Laerezh, Translated from the French by Millenium.