To help ease the burden of levelling in WoW Classic, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide on the best Talents, Weapons, and Professions, as well as other information that you’ll need to know as a Paladin.
Stats to Focus On When Levelling
Strength > Stamina > Intellect > Agility > Spirit
Best Build For Levelling
Levelling a paladin consists of two parts: from Levels 1-22, and from Levels 22-60. You'll have to use two entirely different builds which function completely differently. Before Level 22, you'll mainly be relying on Seal of Righteousness. But once you reach Level 22 and respec, you'll begin to use Seal of Command. Here are the talents you should prioritise when levelling up:
From Level 1-22
From Level 22-60
- Improved Blessing of Might 5/5
- Deflection 5/5
- Seal of Command 1/1
- Pursuit of Justice 2/2
- Conviction 5/5
- Eye for an Eye 2/2
- Sanctity Aura 1/1
- Two-Handed Weapon Specialisation 3/3
- Vindication 1/3
- Vengeance 5/5
- Divine Strength 5/5
- Divine Intellect 5/5
- Repentance 1/1
- Improved Devotion Aura 5/5
- Guardian's Favour 2/2
- Precision 3/3
Spells and Abilities to Prioritise
Rotations and Important Information for Levelling
Basic Information
- Keep yourself buffed with an aura at all times, which will typically be Sanctity Aura if you're above Level 30 and don't require damage reduction. Otherwise, buff yourself with Devotion Aura
- Ensure that you are buffed by Blessing of Might at all times, unless you're experiencing mana problems, in which case use Blessing of Wisdom
Rotation from 1-22
- Seal of Righteousness
- Auto-attack
- Judgement
- Seal of Righteousness
- Auto-attack
- Auto-attack
- Auto-attack
- Judgement
- Auto-attack
Rotation from 22-60
- Seal of Command
- Auto-attack
- Judgement
- Seal of Command
- Auto-attack
- Auto-attack
- Auto-attack
- Judgement
- Auto-attack
- Hammer of Wrath to finish off the target
Useful Weapons and Armour
- Large Axe or Wooden Mallet, depending on your primary weapon skill, sold by any Weapons Vendor at Level 3, regardless of starting area
- Edge of the People's Militia, a quest reward from The People's Militia (Level 9+), given by Gyran Stoutmantle in Westfall, taking place in The Deadmines
- Miner's Revenge, a quest reward from Oh Brother... (Level 15+), given by Wilder Thistlenettle in Stormwind, taking place in The Deadmines
- Headbasher, a quest reward from The Fury Runs Deep (Level 22+), given by Motley Garmason in Wetlands, taking place in The Stockade
- Smite's Mighty Hammer, dropped by Mr. Smite in The Deadmines
- Ancient War Sword, a quest reward from Defeat Nek'rosh (Level 23+), given by Dragonmaw Catapult in Wetlands
- Corpsemaker, dropped by Overlord Ramtusk in Razorfen Kraul
- Mograine's Might, Dropped by Scarlet Command Mograine in Scarlet Monastery (Cathedral)
- The Rockpounder, dropped by Archaedas in Uldaman
- Stoneslayer, dropped by Archaedas in Uldaman
- Drakefang Butcher, dropped by Dreamscythe, Hazzas, Morhpaz, and Weaver in The Temple of Atal'Hakkar
- Princess Theradras' Scepter, Dropped by Princess Theradras in Maraudon
- Lightforged Blade, a reward from the Paladin quest Forging the Mightstone (Level 50+)
- Sul'thraze the Lasher, forged by combining Sang'thraze the Deflector, dropped by Antu'sul in Zul'Farrak, and Jang'thraze the Protector, dropped by Chief Ukorz Sandscalp in Zul'Farrak
- Force of Magma, dropped by Bael'Gar in Blackrock Depths
- Impervious Giant, dropped by The Seven in Blackrock Depths
- Corruption, crafted by Blacksmiths
- Lavastone Hammer, dropped by Magmus in Blackrock Depths
What Race Should I Choose?
Macros and Addons
There aren't any must-have addons specifically for Paladins, but here are some that will make your levelling easier across the board:
Written by Laerezh, Translated from the French by Millenium.