To help ease the burden of levelling in WoW Classic, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide on the best Talents, Weapons, and Professions, as well as other information that you’ll need to know as a Rogue.
Stats to Focus On When Levelling
Agility > Strength > Stamina > Spirit > Strength
Best Build For Levelling
This build focuses on the most effective option: One-Handed Swords. There are other choices, including a Dagger build, yet this one is the most viable for levelling efficiently. Here are the talents you should prioritise when levelling up:
- Improved Sinister Strike 2/2
- Improved Gouge 3/3
- Deflection 5/5
- Riposte 1/1
- Precision 5/5
- Dual Wield Specialisation 4/5
- Blade Flurry 1/1
- Sword Specialisation 5/5
- Weapon Expertise 2/2
- Dual Wield Specialisation 5/5
- Endurance 1/2
- Adrenaline Rush 1/1
- Endurance 2/2
- Remorseless Attacks 2/2
- Malice 5/5
- Murder 2/2
- Improved Slice and Dice 1/3
- Lethality 5/5
- Improved Poisons 4/5
Spells and Abilities to Prioritise
Rotations and Important Information for Levelling
Basic Information
- Attack out of Stealth whenever possible, using Pick Pocket to earn a bit of money, or Sap to CC your enemy
- Slice and Dice only really becomes useful at Rank 2, at Level 42. At a lower level, it should only be used against powerful creatures (rare or named mobs and elites)
- Use Riposte whenever it is off cooldown
- Use the right CC for the job. Blind, Sap, Gouge, and Kidney Shot all have different uses. Making the most of them will lead to smooth and easy levelling.
Rotation from 1-40
- Sinister Strike
- Auto-attack
- Riposte if available (at Level 20)
- Auto-attack
- Sinister Strike
- Auto-attack
- Sinister Strike
- Auto-attack
- Sinister Strike
- Eviscerate
Rotation from 40-60
- Blade Flurry
- Sinister Strike
- Auto-attack
- Slice and Dice
- Auto-attack
- Riposte if available
- Auto-attack
- Sinister Strike
- Auto-attack
- Sinister Strike
- Auto-attack
- Eviscerate
Useful Weapons and Armour
Daggers (Level 1-30 only, not essential)
- Stiletto, sold by any Weapons Vendor at Level 3
- Blade of Cunning, a reward from multiple different Rogue quests for each Race and Faction
- Craftsman's Dagger, a quest reward from A Pilot's Revenge (Level 8+), given by A Dwarven Corpse in Dun Morogh
- Curvewood Dagger, a quest reward from The Fragments Within (Level 12+), given by Mysterious Red Crystal in Darkshore
- Scrimshaw Dagger, a quest reward from Red Silk Bandanas (Level 14+), given by Scout Riell in Westfall, taking place in The Deadmines
- Big Bronze Knife, crafted by Blacksmiths and equipable by Rogues at Level 15
- Thornblade, a quest reward from A Dark Threat Looms (Level 16+), given by Explosive Charge in Loch Modan
- Relic Blade, a quest reward from The Absent Minded Prospector (Level 15+), given by Archaeologist Flagongut in Wetlands
- Deadly Bronze Poniard, crafted by Blacksmiths and equipable by Rogues at Level 20
- Meteor Shard, dropped by Archmage Arugal in Shadowfang Keep
- Toxic Revenger, dropped by Viscous Fallout in Gnomeregan
- Swinetusk Shank, dropped by Agathelos the Raging in Razorfen Kraul
- Stilleto, sold by any Weapons Vendor at Level 3
- Jagged Dagger, a quest reward from Skull Rock (Level 4+), given by Margoz in Durotar
- Blade of Cunning, a reward from multiple different Rogue quests for each Race and Faction
- Kris of Orgrimmar, a quest reward from Hidden Enemies (Level 9+), given by Thrall in Orgrimmar, taking place in Ragefire Chasm
- Serrated Knife, a quest reward from Wand to Bethor (Level 12+), given by Dusty Shelf in Silverpine Forest
- Chanting Blade, dropped by Jergosh the Invoker in Ragefire Chasm
- Harpy Skinner, a quest from from Serena Bloodfeather (Level 12+), given by Darsok Swiftdagger in The Barrens
- Big Bronze Knife, crafted by Blacksmiths and equipable by Rogues at Level 15
- Tail Spike, Dropped by Skum in Wailing Caverns
- Deadly Bronze Poniard, crafted by Blacksmiths and equipable by Rogues at Level 20
- Meteor Shard, dropped by Archmage Arugal in Shadowfang Keep
- Toxic Revenger, dropped by Viscous Fallout in Gnomeregan
- Swinetusk Shank, dropped by Agathelos the Raging in Razorfen Kraul
One-Handed Swords
- Gladius, sold by any Weapons Vendor at Level 4
- Brushwood Blade, a quest reward from Druid of the Claw (Level 3+), given by Oben Rageclaw in Teldrassil
- Briarsteel Shortsword, a quest reward from The Fragments Within (Level 12+), given by Mysterious Red Crystal in Darkshore
- Daryl's Shortsword, a quest reward from A Hunter's Challenge (Level 11+), given by Daryl the Youngling in Loch Modan
- Solid Shortblade, a quest reward from Red Silk Bandanas (Level 14+), given by Scout Riell in Westfall, taking place in The Deadmines
- Buzz Saw, dropped by Sneed's Shredder in The Deadmines
- Thief's Blade, dropped by Mr. Smite in The Deadmines
- Cruel Barb, dropped by Edwin VanCleef in The Deadmines
- Butcher's Slicer, dropped by Razorclaw the Butcher in Shadowfang Keep
- Electrocutioner Leg, dropped by Electrocutioner 6000 in Gnomeregan
- Sword of Serenity, a quest reward from In the Name of the Light (Level 34+), given by Raleigh the Devout in Hillsbrad Foothills, taking place in Scarlet Monastery
- Vanquisher's Sword, a quest reward from Bring the Light (Level 39+), given by Archbishop Benedictus in Stormwind, taking place in Razorfen Downs
- Phantom Blade, crafted by Blacksmiths and equipable by Rogues at Level 44
- Lord General's Sword, dropped by General Angerforge in Blackrock Depths
- Gladius, sold by any Weapons Vendor at Level 4
- Deathstalker Shortsword, a quest reward from Escorting Erland (Level 10+), given by Deathstalker Erland in Silverpine Forest
- Elegant Shortsword, a quest reward from Serena Bloodfeather (Level 12+), given by Darsok Swiftdagger in The Barrens
- Claystone Shortsword, a quest reward from Arachnophobia (Level 15+), given by Wanted Poster: Besseleth in Stonetalon Mountains
- Buzz Saw, dropped by Sneed's Shredder in The Deadmines
- Thief's Blade, dropped by Mr. Smite in The Deadmines
- Cruel Barb, dropped by Edwin VanCleef in The Deadmines
- Butcher's Slicer, dropped by Razorclaw the Butcher in Shadowfang Keep
- Slatemetal Cutlass, a quest reward from Torkek's Assault (Level 20+), given by Torek in Ashenvale
- Outlaw Sabre, a quest reward from Baron Aquanis (Level 25+), given by Strange Water Globe in Blackfathom Deeps
- Electrocutioner Leg, dropped by Electrocutioner 6000 in Gnomeregan
- Sword of Omen, a quest reward from Into The Scarlet Monastery (Level 33+), given by Varimathras in Undercity, taking place in Scarlet Monastery
- Vanquisher's Sword, a quest reward from Bring the End (Level 37+), given by Andrew Brownell in Undercity, taking place in Razorfen Downs
- Phantom Blade, crafted by Blacksmiths and equipable by Rogues at Level 44
- Lord General's Sword, dropped by General Angerforge in Blackrock Depths
What Race Should I Choose?
Macros and Addons
There aren't any must-have addons specifically for Rogues, but here are some that will make your levelling easier across the board:
Written by Laerezh, Translated from the French by Millenium.