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WoW Classic: Warlock Leveling Guide 1-60

WoW Classic: Warlock Leveling Guide 1-60

We've put together a comprehensive guide to show you the best way to level your Warlock from 1-60 that covers Talents, Rotations, Stats, Weapons, and Addons.

WoW Classic: Warlock Leveling Guide 1-60

To help ease the burden of levelling in WoW Classic, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide on the best Talents, Weapons, and Professions, as well as other information that you’ll need to know as a Warlock.

Levels up very quickly
Solid damage and survivability
Very useful in groups (Healthstones, Bloodpact, Curses...
Can fight multiple creatures at once
Your pet can tank while you deal heavy damage
Two free unique class mounts (which are difficult to obtain)
Can be effective even with average equipment
Effectively no mobility
Requires good pet control
Must manage the creation and consumption of Soul Shards
Rather costly (must buy grimoires to teach your pets spells)

Stats to Focus On When Levelling

Intellect > Spirit > Stamina > Spell Power > Strength = Agility

Best Build For Levelling

World of Warcraft: Classic

All this build wants to do is strengthen your DoTs and provide your pet with much-needed survivability. As such, it is the most efficient Warlock build for levelling. Here are the talents you should prioritise when levelling up:

  1. Suppression 3/5
  2. Improved Corruption 5/5
  3. Improved Drain Soul 2/2
  4. Improved Curse of Agony 3/3
  5. Amplify Curse 1/1
  6. Improved Drain Life 1/5
  7. Nightfall 2/2
  8. Improved Drain Life 2/5
  9. Improved Life Tap 2/2
  10. Siphon Life 1/1
  11. Demonic Embrace 5/5
  12. Improved Voidwalker 3/3
  13. Fel Intellect 5/5
  14. Fel Stamina 5/5
  15. Grim Reach 2/2
  16. Curse of Exhaustion 1/1
  17. Improved Drain Life 3/5
  18. Shadow Mastery 5/5
  19. Fel Domination 1/1
  20. Master Summoner 1/2
  21. Demonic Sacrifice 1/1

Spells and Abilities to Prioritise


Spell or Ability


Everything available in this range


Corruption (Rank 2)

Shadow Bolt (Rank 3)

Drain Life (Rank 1)


Curse of Agony (Rank 2)

Create Soulstone (Minor)

Unending Breath


Corruption (Rank 3)

Drain Soul (Rank 2)

Demon Armour (Rank 1)

Immolate (Rank 3)

Shadow Bolt (Rank 4)

Drain Life (Rank 2)

Create Healthstone (Lesser)


Curse of Agony (Rank 3)

Shadow Bolt (Rank 5)


Corruption (Rank 4)

Create Healthstone

Immolate (Rank 4)

Drain Life (Rank 3)

Demon Armour (Rank 2)


Summon Felsteed

Curse of Agony (Rank 4)

Drain Life (Rank 4)

Drain Soul (Rank 3)

Siphon Life (Rank 2)

Immolate (Rank 5)


Corruption (Rank 5)

Shadow Bolt (Rank 7)


Curse of Agony (Rank 5)

Siphon Life (Rank 3)


Corruption (Rank 6)

Drain Life (Rank 6)

Shadow Bolt (Rank 8)

Drain Soul (Rank 4)


Curse of Agony (Rank 6)

Siphon Life (Rank 4)

Rotations and Important Information for Levelling

Basic Information

  1. Almost always use Summon Voidwalker when levelling, sending it to attack your target before you cast your spells
  2. Cast Fear whenever it's off CD to reduce the damage taken by your pet, especially when fighting multiple targets at the same time
  3. Once you've applied your DoT (see: rotation below), weaken your target with auto-attacks before finishing them off with Drain Soul, creating a Soul Shard in the process. Don't forget to conserve mana against weaker targets

Basic Rotation

  1. Immolate
  2. Corruption
  3. Curse of Agony
  4. Siphon Life (from Level 30)
  5. Auto-attack to weaken the creature
  6. Drain Soul to finish off the target

Useful Weapons and Armour

  1. Lesser Magic Wand, crafted by Enchanters and equipable by Warlocks at Level 5
  2. Greater Magic Wand, crafted by Enchanters and equipable by Warlocks at Level 13
  3. Gravestone Scepter, a quest reward from Blackfathom Villainy (Level 18+), given by Dawnwatcher Selgorm in Darnassus (Alliance) and Bashana Runetotem in Thunder Bluff (Horde), taking place in Blackfathom Deeps
  4. Lesser Mystic Wand, crafted by Enchanters and equipable by Warlocks at Level 26
  5. Greater Mystic Wand, crafted by Enchanters and equipable by Warlocks at Level 30
  6. Blackbone Wand, sold by Zane Bradford in Undercity (Horde), Harick Boulderdrum in Ironforge (Alliance), and Ardwyn Cailen in Stormwind (Alliance), all at Level 40
  7. Cairnstone Sliver, a quest reward from The Morrow Stone (Level 42+), given by Troyas Moonbreeze in Feralas
  8. Noxious Shooter, dropped by Noxxion in Maraudon
  9. Mana Channeling Wand, dropped by Cho'Rush the Observer in Dire Maul

What Race Should I Choose?


Thanks to their racial, Blood Fury, Orcs are equally good at both PvE & PvP. Command is also useful for Warlocks, and having access to Hardiness provide Orcs with an overall advantage over other races in PvP as well.


Gnome Warlocks are equally strong in PvP & PvE, as the Horde really can't hold a candle to Expansive Mind, which is useful when fighting creatures and players alike. Escape Artist is a real advantage for PvP, and If you follow our advice on Professions, Engineering Specialisation can be excellent as well.

WoW Classic: Race Tier List

World of Warcraft: Classic has a number of races to choose from, and making that choice has long-term consequences. You don't want to regret your choice later, so we've broken down the races in our tier list for WoW: Classic.



Tailoring is essential for a Warlock, as Tailors can craft the most powerful pre-raid armour available, such as Robe of the Void. Tailoring is without doubt the ideal profession for a Warlock.


Engineering is the best choice by default, as it is widely used in both PvP and PvE. From Goblin Sapper Charges, to Arcanite Dragonlings, to even Dense Dynamite, you'll always find Engineering to be useful in some way or another!


If you decide not to pick up Engineering, there's a lot that Enchanting can offer you. You'll be able to create your own enchantments and disenchant raid drops as well, as your own unwanted gear and Tailoring crafts!

WoW Classic: Profession Tier List

World of Warcraft: Classic has a number of professions to choose from, from crafting armour with Blacksmithing and Leatherworking to farming materials with Herbalism and Minning. With something for everyone, here is our Classic Profession tier list.

Macros and Addons

There aren't any must-have addons specifically for Warlocks, but here are some that will make your levelling easier across the board:

  1. Azeroth Auto Pilot
  2. Questie
  3. ClassicCastbars
  4. EquipCompare
  5. EZDismount
  6. MobInfo
WoW Classic: 23 tips to make leveling easier

WoW Classic sounds the return of a long and demanding leveling process, requiring patience and rigour. To make your task a bit easier, we offer some tips for both Horde and the Alliance, whatever your class: addons, zones, PvP, instances and more.

Written by Laerezh, Translated from the French by Millenium.

Millenium Rédaction