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WoW Classic: Wailing Caverns Dungeons Guide

Dungeon Guides
WoW Classic: Wailing Caverns Dungeons Guide

Wailing Caverns is a dungeon in World of Warcraft Classic. We'll take you through all you need to know about the instance, from the entrance to the final boss. We'll cover all bosses, loot, quests, and how to enter the instance.

WoW Classic: Wailing Caverns Dungeons Guide

Wailing Cavern (WC) is a Dungeon in World of Warcraft Classic which can be accessed from Level 17. The entrance to the instance is in The Barrens and can be seen from the surrounding area.

A Brief History Of

These once natural grottoes produced long, gloomy wails due to different steam fissures contained within. This phenomenon peaked the curiosity of a Night Elf, Naralex, who believed he could draw on the subterranean power of the cavern to restore fertility to The Barrens. However, the technique used to restore The Barrens led to a unprecedented disaster. By tapping into the power of the Emerald Dream, Naralax changed the water of the caverns, turning it foul. In addition, the few creatures still living inside the recesses of the Caverns were subject to a horrible transformation into deadly and cunning predators.

Legend says that Naralex still lives in the Wailing Caverns, engulfed by the Emerald Dream. Dare you brave the caverns to verify this claim?

Dungeon Location

Wailing Caverns is a Level 17 Dungeon, but you should be at least Level 20 in order to feasibly complete it.

The Dungeon is found under the Horde zones of The Barrens, in a cavern alongside Lushwater Oasis. It is the first dungeon that players will come across with a non-linear layout, which may be initially challenging for newer players. This dungeon is well worth the trouble, due to the fantastic loot and quests rewards it offers players who take a trip within.

Entrance to Wailing Caverns - World of Warcraft: Classic
Entrance to Wailing Caverns

Dungeon Information





Disciple of Naralex

Druid's Slumber

Throughout the Dungeon

Lady Anacondra

Thorns Aura

Lightning Bolt


Healing Touch

In different zones in the dungeon



Wailing Caverns River

Lord Pythas

Lightning Bolt


Healing Touch


In Winding Chasm


Chained Bolt

In Winding Chasm

Verdan the Everliving

Grasping Vines

At the end of Winding Chasm

Mutanus the Devourer

Naralex's Nightmare



Spawns during an escort mission after

all 4 Lords of the Fang have been slain

Deviate Faerie Dragon


In Winding Chasm

Lord Cobrahn

Healing Touch

Lightning Bolt

Druid's Slumber

Cobrahn Serpent Form

At the end of Pit of Fangs

Lord Serpentis

Lightning Bolt

Healing Touch


At the end of Winding Chasm

World of Warcraft: Classic


Notable Gear

Dropped By

Deep Fathom Ring

Mutanus the Devourer

Boahn's Fang



Lord Serpentis

Snakeskin Bag

Lady Anacondra

Belt of the Fang

Lady Anacondra

Footpads of the Fang

Lord Serpentis

Gloves of the Fang

Random Drop

Leggings of the Fang

Lord Cobrahn

Armor of the Fang

Lord Pythas

Dungeon Quests


Quest Givers



Apothecary Zamah

Thunder Bluff

Leaders of the Fang

Nara Wildmane

Thunder Bluff

Deviate Eradication


Above the entrance to Wailing Caverns

Deviate Hides


Above the entrance to Wailing Cavern

Smart Drinks

Mebok Mizzyrix


Trouble at the Docks

Crane Operator Bigglefuzz


The Glowing Shard

Drops from Mutanus the Devourer

End of the Dungeon

We'll hope you make it out of Wailing Caverns alive. Be sure to let us know if the legend is true!

Written by Effylia, Translated from the French by Millenium.

Millenium Rédaction