Shadowfang Keep (SFK) is a Dungeon in World of Warcraft Classic which can be accessed from Level 18. The entrance to the instance is in Silverpine Forest and can be seen from the surrounding area. Due to this, it considered a Horde-only instance. However, there is nothing stopping the bravest of Alliance players from going behind enemy lines in search of the dungeon's treasures.

Following the losses in the Third War, Archmage Arugal decided to call on extra-dimensional beings to bolster Dalaran's faltering ranks. This was a success, with Arugal bringing the voracious Worgen to Azeroth's shores. The werewolves helped the sorcerers to put an end to the Scourge, before turning against their allies.
The Worgen laid siege to Baron Silverlaine's keep, eventually sending the fortress into shadow and ruin. Arugal, mad with guilt, took the werewolves under his wing and made a home for them at his side in Shadowfang Keep. Arugal still lives in this dungeon, with Fenrus, his faithful Worgen, alongside him. It's also said that the keep is haunted by Baron Silverlaine's vengeful spirit.
Are you prepared to confirm these rumours?
Dungeon Location
Shadowfang Keep is a Level 18 Dungeon, but you should be at least Level 22 in order to feasibly complete it.
The Dungeon is found under the Horde zone of Silverpine Forest, not far from Pyrewood Village.

Dungeon Information
Boss |
Abilities |
Location |
In the Kitchen |
In the Mess Hall |
On the Second Floor |
On the first set of ramparts |
On the ramparts |
In the Library |
In the penultimate room |
In the final room |

Notable Gear |
Dropped By |
Dungeon Quests
Quests |
Quest Givers |
Location |
Silverpine Forest |
Undercity |
Silverpine Forest |
Best of luck on your werewolf hunts!
Written by Effylia, Translated from the French by Millenium.