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WoW Classic: Stratholme Live Dungeon Guide

Dungeon Guides
WoW Classic: Stratholme Live Dungeon Guide

Stratholme Live (ST) is a Dungeon in World of Warcraft Classic. We'll cover everything you need to know about the instance, including bosses, loot, quests, and how to enter the dungeon.

WoW Classic: Stratholme Live Dungeon Guide

Stratholme is a Dungeon in World of Warcraft Classic which can be accessed from Level 48. This instance can be found in the Eastern Plaguelands

A Brief History Of

The fall of Lordaeron was a seminal moment in Prince Arthas Menethil's decline. To this day, the city and its residents serve as a grim reminder of the power of the Scourge, being populated by undead abominations who guard the entrance to the floating necropolis Naxxramas.

This city was once the pride of humanity, but now it is just a major Scourge in the Eastern Kingdoms.

Dungeon Location

Stratholme is a Level 48 Dungeon, but you should be at least Level 58 in order to feasibly complete it.

The Dungeon can be found in the Contest Zone of Eastern Plaguelands. Its entrance can be easily found in the north-west of the Plaguelands.

You'll need The Scarlet Key to enter the dungeon. The key can be found in the Scarlet Monastery Library.

World of Warcraft: Classic

Dungeon Information





Stratholme Courier

Flame Breath

Smoke Bomb

In King's Square

Hearthsinger Forresten

Enchanting Lullaby


In Market Row


Arcane Bolt

Frost Shock


In Festival Lane

The Unforgiven


In Market Row

Postmaster Malown


Curse of Tongues

Curse of Weakness


In Market Row

Timmy the Cruel

Ravenous Claw


To the south of King's Square

Archivist Galford

Burning Winds

Fire Nova

In The Crimson Throne

Malor the Zealous

Lay on Hands

Head Crack

Ground Smash

In a room after Crusader's Square

Cannon Master Willey

Knock Away

In The Hoard

Grand Crusader Dathrohan



Psychic Scream

Mind Blast

Shadow Shock


In The Crimson Throne

World of Warcraft: Classic


Notable Gear

Dropped By

Book of the Dead


Hammer of the Grand Crusader


Grand Crusader's Helm


Piccolo of the Flaming Fire

Hearthsinger Forresten

Soul Breaker

The Unforgiven

Mask of the Unforgiven

The Unforgiven

The Cruel Hand of Timmy

Timmy the Cruel


Cannon Master Willey

Diana's Pearl Necklace

Random Drop

Tome of Knowledge

Archivist Galford

The Postmaster Set

Dropped By

The Postmaster's Band

Postmaster Malown

The Postmaster's Tunic

Postmaster Malown

The Postmaster's Treads

Postmaster Malown

The Postmaster's Seal

Postmaster Malown

The Postmaster's Trousers

Postmaster Malown

Recipes & Reagents

Dropped By

Plans: Heartseeker

Cannon Master Willey

Pattern: Truefaith Vestments


Righteous Orb

Random Drop

Dungeon Quests

Alliance Quests

Quest Givers


The Medallion of Faith

From a chest behind Malor the Zealous


Neutral Quests

Quest Givers


The Restless Souls

Caretaker Alen

Eastern Plaguelands

The Great Fras Siabi

Smokey LaRue

Eastern Plaguelands

The Archivist

Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff

Eastern Plaguelands

Of Love and Family

Tirion Fordring

Eastern Plaguelands

The Truth Comes Crashing Down

Drops from Balnazzar


We hope you enjoy your time in Stratholme!

Written by Effylia, Translated from the French by Millenium.

Millenium Rédaction