The Timbermaw are a faction in World of Warcraft Classic. Players can turn in quests and kill certain specific creatures in order to build reputation with this faction.
You will be initially viewed as Hostile by this faction, so you will have to increase your reputation with the Timbermaw in order to pass through their tunnel without being attacked. This faction can be found in Felwood, Azshara, and Winterspring.
Important Note: The Timbermaw will attack you on sight unless you are at least Unfriendly with their faction, at which point you will be able to enter the tunnel linking Felwood, Azshara, Winterspring, and Moonglade.
Reputation in WoW Classic
Exalted: Allows players to access specific interactions (typically buying mounts)
Revered: Allows players to access additional quests and items
Honoured: Allows players to receive a 10% discount from vendors
Friendly: Starting reputation for Allied Factions
Neutral: Starting reputation for General Factions
Unfriendly: Players can't interact, buy, or sell with creatures from this faction
Hostile: Creatures from this faction will attack players on sight
Hated: The lowest possible reputation, creatures from this faction will attack players on sight
Building Reputation with the Timbermaw Hold
In World of Warcraft Classic, there are several different ways to grind reputation points. Here is a list of the different ways you can build reputation with the Timbermaw:
- Kill Deadwood Furbolgs in Felwood
- Kill Winterfall Furbolgs in Winterspring
- Turn in certain repeatable quests
- Turn in quests given by Timbermaw Hold Emissaries.
Step 1: Grazle's Quests in Felwood
If you wish to pass through the tunnel without being mobbed by Timbermaws, you should begin with Grazle, in southern Felwood, near the main entrance to the zone. She will offer you the following quest:
For this quest, all you need to do is kill nearby Deadwood Furbolgs, then return to Grazle, who will then give you a standard quest as well as a repeatable one.
- Feathers for Grazle (Repeatable)
- Speak to Nafien
Step 2: Nafien's Quests in Felwood
The second step begins with meeting Nafien in northern Felwood, near the tunnel you're trying to enter. Once you turn in the quest Speak to Nafien, he will give you the following quest:
You may pick up a Deadwood Ritual Totems whilst you're grinding Deadwoods. Make sure you hold on to them, as they are part of a quest that gives you reputation.
Once again, kill the surrounding Deadwood Furbolgs then return to Nafien, who will offer you a standard quest and a repeatable one.
- Feathers for Nafien (Repeatable)
- Speak to Salfa
Step 3: Salfa's Quests in Winterspring
The third step starts with meeting Salfa in Winterspring by passing through the Timbermaw tunnel. If you followed the previous steps correctly, you should reach Unfriendly with the Timbermaw, allowing you to pass through the tunnel without being attacked. If you're just short of reaching this tier, kill furbolgs in Felwood until you make up the difference.
Travel through the tunnel and find Salfa on the other side, allowing you to turn in Speak to Salfa and start the following quest:
You will most likely pick up Winterfall Ritual Totems whilst you grind Winterfall Furbolgs. Be sure to hold onto them, as you can hand them in later to gain reputation.
Simply kill any furbolgs you encounter between the tunnel and Everlook, then return to Salfa, who will offer you the following repeatable quest:
- Beads for Salfa (Repeatable)
Step 4: The Ritual Totems
If you've followed and completed the preceding steps and you're at least Neutral with the Timbermaw Hold, you can make the most of the Winterfall Ritual Totems and the Deadwood Ritual Totems in your bag. Right click on both of them to receive the following quests:
Go to the centre of the Timbermaw tunnel and talk to Kernda to turn in both quests. Each quest grants 150 reputation with the Timbermaw Hold.
Step 5: Grinding, Farming, and Other Quests
The final step simply consists of farming Deadwood and Winterfall Furbolgs, who grant reputation when killed, in addition to occasionally dropping Deadwood Headdress Feathers and Winterfall Spirit Beads. It is possible to repeatedly hand in five of them at a time to Grazle, Nafien, or Salfa in exchange for 50 reputation points with the Timbermaw Hold. This is achieved by turning in in the following quests:
- Grazle: Feathers for Grazle: Requires 5 Deadwood Headdress Feather
- Nafien: Feathers for Nafien: Requires 5 Deadwood Headdress Feather
- Salfa: Beads for Salfa: Requires 5 Winterfall Spirit Beads
These items have a chance to drop from the same creatures you're farming for reputation. Here is a list of the creatures which drop these items, in addition to the reputation they award on death:
Deadwood Furbolgs
Winterfall Furbolgs
Note: Grizzle Snowpaw awards 25 reputation, but does not drop Winterfall Spirit Beads.
Timbermaw Rewards
Important Note: Several rewards are not available until later phases.
We hope that this guide will help you understand how to befriend the Timbermaw!