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LoL - LEC: Wukong deactivated for the end of Spring Split

LoL - LEC: Wukong deactivated for the end of Spring Split

With Patch 10.6, the Monkey King received a huge update that could be compared to a rework. As a consequence, he will be disabled during the ninth week of LEC competition but also during the Playoffs.

LoL - LEC: Wukong deactivated for the end of Spring Split

The long-awaited rework of Wukong has finally hit the League of Legends live servers with Patch 10.6. However, let's face it: the Monkey King is was overpowered deserved the quick hotfix that followed the release of the update.

Wukong nerfed with a Patch 10.6 hotfix

Several patch cycles after his announcement, and after being delayed numerous times, the rework of Wukong finally headed to the Rift with Patch 10.6. However, Riot pushed a quick hotfix aiming at nerfing his W.

Despite this hotfix, the champion's victory rate is still very high: 53% in the jungle at all levels.

His win rate even goes up to 54.5% at the top, all with a pick/ban rate of almost 35%.

Wukong won't be available for the ninth and last week of the LEC but also for the Playoffs, not because the champion isn't balanced yet, but rather to leave some time to teams and players to practice with him.

While Riot Games only announced this measure for the LEC, it wouldn't be surprising to see it applied to the other leagues.

