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LoL: Check out all the skins for the Volibear rework

LoL: Check out all the skins for the Volibear rework

With his new design, Volibear hasn't only received a new ability kit: his appearance, as well as that of all his skins, have been entirely reworked.

LoL: Check out all the skins for the Volibear rework

With Fiddlesticks, Volibear is the second League of Legends champions that have been selected by the community to be entirely reworked. Riot Games decided to give him a wilder look, more suitable to his Ursidae demigod status. Since the Relentless Storm's brother is Ornn, it was also a way to reflect their ambivalent relation — one being this mystic armorer while the other is more like a godly and thundery beast.

We gathered all splash art and in-game previews so you can make your own opinion on Volibear's brand new wardrobe, which now includes a brand new skin: Thousand Pierced Volibear.

Thousand Pierced Volibear

League of Legends

In-game preview

Thunderlord Volibear

League of Legends

In-game preview

Northern Storm Volibear

League of Legends

In-game preview

Runeguard Volibear

League of Legends

In-game preview

Captain Volibear

League of Legends

In-game preview

El Rayo Volibear

League of Legends

In-game preview

What do you think of the new Volibear? Do you feel this rework is a successful one? Feel free to drop your opinion in the comment section below!

All about the Volibear rework

Volibear's rework is now available, check out his new appearance as well as his completely revamped ability kit!

Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo