The brand new Spirit Blossom skin family will be at the center of the biggest summer event League of Legends has ever seen.
Already no less than five skins for Thresh, Yasuo, Teemo, Lillia, and Vayne have been confirmed. Check our dedicated article if you want to see what the look like!
According to recent leaks, five new Spirit Blossom skins should be released this summer for Kindred, Riven, Yone (Yasuo's brother who seems to be the next champion to join the League), Cassiopeia and Ahri.
The first clues come first from the video presentation of the new champion, Lillia, where we can clearly see Riven but also masks that strongly suggest that Kindred would join the skin family.
In addition, new emotes have been added to the PBE and their file names as well as their appearances seem to confirm the previous theory.
Following that, several artworks of what seems to be the Spirit Blossom versions of Ahri, Cassiopeia, Kindred, Riven and Yone leaked on Twitter...
Although these images aren't enough to confirm everything, they seem to be strong evidence that these champions will indeed receive a Spirit Blossom skin. In any case, we'll know more on July 22..
Original content by "Cthulhu".