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WoW Classic: Testing and Discussion With Vanilla Devs

WoW Classic: Testing and Discussion With Vanilla Devs

Less than a week away from the official launch, developers behind Vanilla WoW discuss WoW Classic and recall their favourite anecdotes from the development of World of Warcraft, more than 15 years later.

With less than a week until the official launch of WoW Classic, Blizzard has elected to reunite part of the original development team to experience the game they first worked on around 15 years ago. The following Vanilla WoW devs also worked on WoW Classic, and a compilation of their best Vanilla development memories can be seen in this video:

  • Alex Afrasiabi
  • Tom Chilton
  • Jeff Kaplan
  • Pat Nagle
  • Aaron Keller

Some of the more notable anecdotes include:

  • When developing the first content for the game, the majority is found in Elwynn Forest, the starting area for Humans, as well as in Westfall. For years after release, the developers recall being unaware of the scope of what they were making, not realising the impact of the world they had created until much later.
  • The devs can't wait to play WoW Classic and have been working together to co-ordinate classes and builds. Jeff Kaplan, for example, apparently often plays the group Tank.
  • Blizzard employees hope that WoW Classic will inspire the community to adventure alongside one another at launch. They still believe that the magic of the game is still there, even 15 years later. Overall, they don't just feel this is due to nostalgia, and they hope that the community will be able to create a completely new experience in a very old game.

Written by Laerezh, Translated from the French by Millenium.

Millenium Rédaction