LoL, Legends of Runeterra, LoR: new card reveal — Lucian, Demacia champion
LoL, Legends of Runeterra, LoR: new card reveal — Lucian, Demacia champion
Updated at
By Thomas "Calo" Sauzin
Riot Games have just announced a new CCG — Legends of Runeterra! We reveal and detail one new card. Effects, stats at levels 1 & 2, conditions to level-up, signature cards, and related champions — everything you need to know about Lucian, the Purifier is in this dedicated article.
Once a Sentinel of Light, Lucian is a grim hunter of undying spirits, pursuing them relentlessly and annihilating them with his twin relic pistols.He is one of the champions from Demacia, one of the regions in Legends of Runeterra.
Name: Lucian
Region: Demacia
Related Champions: Garen, Fiora, Lucian, Lux
Keyword: Quick Attack, Double Attack (Lvl 2)
Mana cost: 2
Each Legends of Runeterra champion is available in two different forms. While your deck only contains the level 1 version of a champion, you'll need to fill a condition to evolve it into its level 2 form. By doing so, your champion will have its stats buffed and will receive a new effect.
Level-up condition: See 4 ally or Senna, Sentinel of Light die
Level 1
• Power: 3
• Health Points: 2
• Keyword: Quick Attack
Level 2
• Power: 4
• Health Points: 3
• Keyword: Double Attack
• Text: "The first time an ally dies each round, ready your attack."
Signature cards
Signature cards are part of the core mechanics of all Legends of Runeterra champions. Here, Lucian's Relentless Pursuit will replace any Lucian that you draw if you already have this champion on your board.
Lucian's Relentless Pursuit
• Spell: Fast
• Mana cost: 3
• Effect: Ready your attack. Shuffle a Lucian into your deck.
Legends of Runeterra is Riot Games' brand new collectible card game. Wondering how you can build your decks to destroy your opponent Nexus? Are you completely lost when you hear the word "deckbuilding"? Well, we got your back!
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin
Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo