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Optional: The Raptor and the Necromancer - WoW Classic: Zul'Gurub Raid Guide

WoW Classic: Zul'Gurub Raid Guide
Optional: The Raptor and the Necromancer
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The Seventh Boss

Bloodlord Mandokir and Jin'do the Hexxer are optional bosses, but they drop great loot that can't be found anywhere else: Primal Hakkari Idol. Each boss drops an idol that can be combined with a class voodoo doll, which allows a player to enchant a Helmet or Leggings.

Bloodlord Mandokir

Abilities: Charge, Enrage, Mortal Strike, Overpower, Threatening Gaze, Whirlwind

Location: Mandokir's Domain (4)

Type: Humanoid


You should kill Speaker Vilebranch before engaging the boss. Once he is killed, Mandokir will appear on top of his Raptor, Oghan. This boss uses several Warrior spells, dealing heavy damage to close range players, so should be kept separate from the raid. Oghan should be tanked far from the boss while Mandokir is focused down. Your melee classes should be careful, as taking too much damage from Whirlwind can prove fatal.

In addition using regular Warrior spells, Mandokir will cast Threatening Gaze on a random target throughout the fight. The affected player should stop casting all spells and hide out of the boss' line of sight until the debuff fades.

In addition, if one of your players dies, Mandokir will 'Level up', increasing his damage dealt. It's important that you do not resurrect players in-battle so that Mandokir does not level up needlessly. Finally, when Oghan dies, Mandokir will Enrage and increase both his damage dealt by 50% and his attack speed by 65% for 1 minute.



Bloodlord's Defender

Warblade of the Hakkari

Mandokir's Sting

Swift Razzashi Raptor

Primalist's Seal

Zanzil's Seal

Overlord's Crimson Band

The Eighth Boss

Jin'do the Hexxer

Abilities: Delusions of Jin'do, Powerful Healing Ward, Summon Brain Wash Totem, Summon Shade of Jin'do, Hex, Teleport

Location: In The Devil's Terrace (9)

Type: Undead


Before starting the fight, you should make sure that you clear the rest of the room of mobs. You should have a Mage clear the room of skeletons throughout the fight to prevent your players from being focused down by these mobs during a Teleportation. This ability will target your players randomly.

In addition, Jin'do will summon two types of totem for the duration of the fight: Powerful Healing Ward & Brain Wash totems. The latter will generally target the player with the highest threat, and both totems should be focused down by all melee DPS. Classes that can dispel Hex should react quickly to prevent the boss from spreading out across the room.

Finally, Jin'do will cast Dellusions of Jin'do alongside Summon Shade of Jin'do. All DPS affected by the DPS should focus down the summons. It is important to note that you should not remove the debuff from the DPS to prevent them being overrun by the Shades.



Jin'do's Hexxer

Jin'do's Judgement

Jin'do's Evil Eye

Jin'do's Bag of Whammies

Overlord's Embrace

Bloodtinged Gloves

Bloodstained Legplates


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