In WoW Classic, Shaman are able to access several unique class quests. Any Shaman can start the Level 50 Shaman quest chain, regardless of race, and completing this chain allows you to choose one of the following items as a reward:
Elemental Mastery
To start the final Shaman class quest, simply talk to any Shaman Trainer in any Capital City. They will offer you the following quest:
To finish this quest, bring a sample of each of the elements to Bath'rah in Alterac Mountains:
Each elemental of each element has a chance to loot the elemental material corresponding to it: Elemental air for the elementals of air..
The closest ones to Bath'rah are located in the Arathi Highlands (see below), but all Azeroth Elementals can drop some.
You can also buy these components at the Auction House, however they are quite valuable and may cost you quite a bit of gold.
After bringing these samples to Bath'rah, he offers you the following quest:
You'll need to collect 8 samples of the following components:
- Bloodshot Spider Eye looted on Venom Mist Lurker
- Thick Black Claw looted on Diseased Black Bear
These creatures can be found in the western part of the Western Plaguelands. To get there, continue north from Bath'rah!
Once all the components have been collected, return to Bath'rah which then gives you your ultimate class quest:
You'll need to collect 3 different types of feathers into Sunken Temple in the Swamp of Sorrows:
- Amber Voodoo Feather on Gasher and Zul'lor
- Blue Voodoo Feather on Hukku and Mijan
- Green Voodoo Feather on Loro and Zolo
These Trolls mini-bosses are located on the upper floor of the temple, on the small balconies overlooking the central arena in which you appear when you enter the temple. All you have to do is form or find a group of 5 players to go to this 50-60 level instance, kill these creatures and get the items you've come to collect from their corpses, and then return to Bath'rah.
Bath'rah will then be waiting for you with the following rewards:
Without a doubt, you should choose the Enamored Water Spirit, as it is very powerful. The other two items will be replaced very quickly when you reach level 55 or higher. Be careful though, the totem summoned by the Enamored Water Spirit is a Water Totem and therefore cannot be summoned at the same time as another Water Totem!