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WoW Classic: Arms Warrior Specialization Guide

WoW Classic: Arms Warrior Specialization Guide

For the WoW Classic Patch 1.12, we present the complete guide to the brutality of the Arms Warrior Spec. Talents, Rotation, Statistics, Equipment and Professions are explained to you below.

WoW Classic: Arms Warrior Specialization Guide

The Arms Warrior in WoW Classic is a slow fighter. It draws upon Rage to unleash devastating techniques, bleeding adversaries before mercilessly executing them.

Tier C (PvE) and Tier S (PvP)

The Arms Warrior excels in PvP provided they are closely followed by a Healer, as the lack of self-healing is most notable when they find themselves alone. Regarding PvE, it is viable, but rather weak in raids — and will likely cede its place to a Fury Warrior 17/34/0 or 20/31/0.

Given the lack of viability of this specialization in PvE this guide is intended mainly for PvP players, or in the worst case, leveling.

Amazing in PVP
Deadly Wounds is deadly in PvP
Can use almost all weapons in the game
Plate armour makes them tough to kill
3 stances mean the Warrior can adapt
More accessible than PvE Fury at the beginning
Very gear dependent
Need a healer in PvP
Very vulnerable to CC in PVP
Slow gameplay style
Dependence on bleeds means they do less damage v elemental foes
The weaker of the two damage specs in PVE


Build 31/20/0 - World of Warcraft: Classic
Build 31/20/0

Stats to prioritize

Editor's note: We do not have the best stats for the Warrior Arms spec at this time. Of course, if some of you remember it, do not hesitate to let us know in the comments!

Order of priority and main skills

Important: This is purely a PvP DPS priority order, the different defensive techniques accessible through the other stances are not included and will be the subject of a future guide.

  1. Execution if your target has less than 20% health,
  2. Mortal Strike as soon as you have enough rage and if your target has more than 20% health,
  3. Overpower as soon as available,
  4. Hamstring to keep the target slowed.

Important note: When your target falls below 20% health, run only Execute — completely ignore the above priority order, just exec exec exec!


Recklessness is undoubtedly the flagship offensive CD of the Warrior, but at a significant price. Not only is the cooldown especially long (30 minutes), but it also increases the damage you take by 20%. So, use it as soon as possible, but be careful not to die!

Note: Recklessness shares its cooldown with Recklessness and Retaliation, so be sure which of the three you should use.

Shield Wall

This is the defensive equivalent of Recklessness, but without the negative side-effect, since the Shield Wall reduces all damage you suffer by 75% for 10 seconds. This is the last-chance panic technique, so save it for cases of extreme urgency!

Note: Shield Wall shares its cooldown with Recklessness and Retaliation, so be sure of which of the three to use.


Finally, Retaliation is the sister technique of the two previous, and this time favours PvP encounters. Like the Shield Wall, Retaliation has no negative side-effect outside its 30-minute CD, and can deal heavy damage to anyone who attacks you in melee combat for a handful of seconds. This is the dream technique against Rogues who believe they are all alone

Note: Retaliation shares its cooldown with Recklessness and Shield Wall, so be sure of which of the three to use.

Best Race for Arms Warrior



The power of the Orc is as incomparable in PvE as it is in PvP thanks to its Blood Fury and Axe Specialization racials. No race equals it in PvE. Finally, Hardiness gives them a clear advantage over other races in PvP.


The real highlight of the Undead, besides its incredible style, is Will of the Forsaken — which is excellent in PvP. Apart from that, Cannibalize is good for levelling & PVP, but has no real use in PvE.



The Human has some serious advantages, but far fewer than those of the Orc: Mace Specialization and Sword Specialization are rather useful, Diplomacy is decent for reputation grinding, and Perception is very useful in PvP.


The Dwarf's Stoneform is a serious asset in PvP, especially against Rogues. Frost Resistance is also great against your nemesis: the Frost Mage.

WoW Classic: Race Tier List

World of Warcraft: Classic has a number of races to choose from, and making that choice has long-term consequences. You don't want to regret your choice later, so we've broken down the races in our tier list for WoW: Classic.



If you follow our advice in choosing your professions, then Mining is an excellent option. With either Engineering or Blacksmithing you become almost self-sufficient. It is also an excellent source of income via the Auction House.


The Engineering profession is the best choice by default as it's great both in PvE and PvP. From Goblin Sapper Charge and the Arcanite Dragonling to the Dense Dynamites, this profession will always be useful!


The real use of Blacksmithing, besides whetstones (such as Heavy Sharpening Stones), is when you kill extremely rare and powerful bosses to loot plans. Among others, the Lionheart Helm or the Arcanite Reaper are especially worth it.

WoW Classic: Profession Tier List

World of Warcraft: Classic has a number of professions to choose from, from crafting armour with Blacksmithing and Leatherworking to farming materials with Herbalism and Minning. With something for everyone, here is our Classic Profession tier list.


Note: While many macros exist, we've just listed those that we think are crucial for Warriors of all levels of play — therefore this list is not extensive.

Charge in Battle Stance or Intercept

Causes you to cast Charge in Battle Stance if you are not in combat. If you are, cast Berserker Stance then Intercept.

/ texture script, name, isActive, isCastable = GetShapeshiftFormInfo (1); if isActive then CastSpellByName ("Charge (Rank 3)"); else CastSpellByName ("Combat Stance ()"); end;

Charge in Defensive Stance or Intercept

You Charge in Defensive Stance if you're not in combat. If you are, cast Berserker Stance then Intercept.

/ texture script, name, isActive, isCastable = GetShapeshiftFormInfo (2); if isActive then CastSpellByName ("Intercept (Rank 3)"); else CastSpellByName ("Defensive Stance ()"); end;

Intercept in Berserker Stance or Charge

You cast Intercept and Berserker Stance if you are in combat. If you are not, then cast Combat Stance and Charge.

/ texture script, name, isActive, isCastable = GetShapeshiftFormInfo (3); if isActive then CastSpellByName ("Intercept (Rank 3)"); else CastSpellByName ("Defensive Stance ()"); end;

WoW Classic: Warrior Class Guide

World of Warcraft: Classic guide to the Warrior class. We take a look at all 3 specs, from tanking on Protection to DPSing with Arms and Fury. We give you an overview below.

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