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Legends of Runeterra, LoR, Expeditions Guide: best champions & cards

Legends of Runeterra, LoR, Expeditions Guide: best champions & cards

Legends of Runeterra is back in a second preview patch with a new game mode: Expeditions. This draft mode allows you to build a deck without needing cards and then try to win 7 games to earn a big reward. Find out how to make the best draft in this article!

Legends of Runeterra, LoR, Expeditions Guide: best champions & cards

The second Legends of Runeterra preview patch is available since Thursday, November 14 and will end on November 19 at 8 AM PDT. If you are used to playing Magic or Hearthstone, you will not be too disoriented and will already know many of the tips in this article. Whether you are a draft champion, or a brand new player, to get the most out of Expeditions, discover the best strategies in play to try to win all 7 games and cash out with your Expeditions' reward!

Game Mode Basics

Getting started with Expeditions

Legends of Runeterra is entering its second preview patch tomorrow, and a new mode is going to be introduced: the Expeditions. Everything you need to know to start properly your adventure within this draft-like mode is in this dedicated article!

The rules of the draft

The mana curve

What is the mana curve? As with Magic and Hearthstone, it is necessary to optimize your card choices, in order to have a consistent deck where you can, almost every turn, play one or more cards. It is a balance to be sought between the most and least expensive cards. This curve, which corresponds to the number of cards in each cost, will change depending on the types of decks you build. However, in general, the curve rises to the cards with a cost of 3 - 4 and then drops back down quite quickly.

This concept, extremely present in all card games, is also present in expeditions and is very important. Practically, you want to have a maximum of cards costing 3-4 mana, quite a few cards at 1, 2 and 5 and some at 6 and +. Indeed, you want to have as many cards to play as possible at the beginning of the duel, and enough to finish your opponent with a powerful card that costs 6 or more.

Legends of Runeterra

Creatures before spells

This rule is common to 99% of card games: you must have more creatures than spells! If the spells can give you occasional advantages, it is the position of your creatures that will give you victory! While respecting the all-powerful mana curve, always try to have at least twice as many champions and units as spells. The best thing is to be able to choose creatures with destructive effects.

In drafts, the so-called escape capabilities are among the best choices. Elusive will allow you to attack the enemy Nexus without resistance, Challenger is also extremely powerful, allowing you to force an unfavorable blockage. Fearsome, finally prevents the weakest units from blocking.

Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra

All other creature effects will give you a significant advantage. Lifesteal, quite rare, has a huge impact on the game by allowing your Nexus to recover precious life points! Quick Attack allowed us to win several games with Zed in particular. We must not forget Barrier and Robust which allow taking very favorable exchanges against enemy units. Frotbiting your opponents will also be a significant advantage in combat.

Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra

Killing creatures: the best effect available

Destroying enemy units is the effect you will always prefer. The best way is to use direct destruction effects that destroy a unit without any restrictions. However, you can also get units with removal effects, except they might have restrictions: only one wounded unit or one unit with 3 or less power for instance. Boosting your creatures in battle, or weakening those of your opponents, are also part of this category, although they are less strong than the previous ones.

If you can get units that have a direct destructive effect on an enemy unit this is the must! Remember that all unit effects that give you an advantage on the battlefield (Quick Attack, Robuste, etc.) work a bit like removals and are therefore doubly interesting!

Special mention to the cards used to kill several targets such as Avalanche. Faced with a person who has dragged a very aggressive deck made of small creatures, they will wreak havoc.

Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra

The Draw

If it is not as important as the previous points, it will nevertheless offer you a significant advantage over your opponent. If you can create cards, don't deprive yourself, if randomness can play tricks on you, an additional card will always be in your favor in the status quo. Zephyr Sage invites you to copy a card from your hand. You can choose a hero, your most powerful creature or a removal card, and can save yourself if the game lasts too long!

Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra

Draft strategy

Going for the strongest units and focusing on your opponent Nexus without controlling his board might work thanks to luck, but most of the time you'll end up losing.

If you have a correct opponent, he will have tried the same thing as you. he will have removal units in particular, and you will have to play with it in mind. Sending a first threat to force it to use its destructive effect before sending the real threat can easily lead you to victory.

Similarly, if you have already managed to weaken your opponent enormously at the beginning of the game, you will have the advantage and he will have to be on the defensive, giving you a great strategic advantage.

The escape effects are extremely powerful at the beginning of the game, while a well-placed removal card will give you victory at the end of the game. If your opponent has deposited all his threats on the field and you return them to him, he will be helpless. Stun them and the result is the same! Your most expensive cards should give you the edge in the game. Use them wisely.

Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra

The best factions

If there is not, really, a superior faction to the others (especially since the game has not been around long enough to have an exact idea of the thing), each one stands out on one or more particular points.

  • Demacia offers many units with Barrier, Quick Attack, Challenger and Robust and aims to take the battlefield and maintain it!
  • Ionia, it's the escape. Stun, Quick Attack and Elusive are his keywords and you will find in this region many ways to annoy your opponent!
  • Shadow Isles asks you to sacrifice your units to summon more powerful ones. Fearsome, is its main keyword. Relatively difficult to play, but very powerful.
  • Piltover and Zaun plays on the Elusive and the Quick Attack and has many spells. Teemo mushrooms can be fun to play, but doesn't seem to be giving satisfactory results yet.
  • Noxus reminds you that strength is important! Quick Attack, Overwhelm and many units that reward you for hurting them. Very powerful, but be careful not to get too weak.
  • Freljord is the freezing and survival of the fittest. You will have Challenger and Overwhelm cards mainly. Frotbiting, in particular, is a very powerful and disruptive tool. Ashe will probably give you trouble if you play aggressively.

The editor's favorites: Ionia and Frejlord for their disruptive side combined with Noxus or Demacia for maximum aggressiveness!

Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra Second Preview Patch Notes: Forty balanced cards and more on the list.

The second preview patch is starting tomorrow and introduces Expeditions, a draft-like mode! However, that's not all! Following the feedback of the first preview patch, Riot Games decided to balance forty cards that were judged just a little bit too overpowered...


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