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WoW Classic: Thorium Brotherhood Reputation Guide

WoW Classic: Thorium Brotherhood Reputation Guide

The Thorium Brotherhood is a Faction in World of Warcraft Classic. Our guide will not only help you get good reputation with the Brotherhood, but will also detail what benefits you can expect from it.

WoW Classic: Thorium Brotherhood Reputation Guide

The Thorium Brotherhood are a faction in World of Warcraft Classic. Players can turn in quests in order to build reputation with this faction. This faction can be found in Searing Gorge and Blackrock Depths.

Important Note: Tanks need to have a good relationship with the Thorium Brotherhood as they are the only faction provides players with recipes for Fire Resistance gear! Make sure you have a good reputation with them, or you may well perish before you even make it into Molten Core!

Reputation in WoW Classic

Exalted: Allows players to access specific interactions (typically buying mounts)

Revered: Allows players to access additional quests and items

Honoured: Allows players to receive a 10% discount from vendors

Friendly: Starting reputation for Allied Factions

Neutral: Starting reputation for General Factions

A Brief History Of...

The Thorium Brotherhood is a colony of Dwarfs who decided to separate themselves from their Dark Iron brethren. This faction is made up of skilled dwarfs who wouldn't hesitate to help out a fellow craftsman once befriended. The Brotherhood features a large number of highly talented craftsmen, with this faction's Smiths widely considered to be the best in all of Azeroth. It's even said that one of these dwarfs may just have what it takes to be able to craft a weapon from Ragnaros' very essence. Yet if you wish to receive the necessary plans for this, you must first show your dedication to the Brotherhood by finishing multiple quests that require you to adventure deep into the Molten Core.

Searing Gorge - World of Warcraft: Classic
Searing Gorge

Building Reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood

From Neutral to Friendly

The only way to increase your reputation with this faction is to complete one of the three repeatable quests given by Master Smith Burninate at Thorium Point in Searing Gorge.

Below are the ingredients needed to complete each repeatable quests once:


Fiery Flux Supplies

via Heavy Leather


Fiery Flux Supplies

via Iron


Fiery Flux Supplies

via Kingsblood

Incendosaur Scale x2

Incendosaur Scale x2

Incendosaur Scale x2

Heavy Leather x10

Iron Bar x4

Kingsblood x4

Coal x1

Coal x1

Coal x1

Where can I farm these items?

From Friendly to Honoured

This stage is relatively simple, as all you need to do is turn in the quest Gaining Acceptance to Master Smith Burninate at Thorium Point in Searing Gorge. This will instantly grant you Honoured reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood.

In order to accomplish this, you must first collect 100 Dark Iron Residues, which is best farmed in Blackrock Depths.

From Honoured to Exalted

This final step is more complicated than its predecessor, as you'll have to delve into Molten Core to collect the necessary ingredients. These items should then be brought to Lokhtos Darkbargainer in The Grim Guzzler within Blackrock Depths, who will let you turn in the following five repeatable quests:

Here are the items you'll need for each quest:

Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Blood of the Mountain

Blood of the Mountain x1

Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Core Leather

Core Leather x2

Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Dark Iron Ore

Dark Iron Ore x10

Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Fiery Core

Fiery Core x1

Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Lava Core

Lava Core x1

Where can I farm these items?

Sulfuron Hammer

Smiths will be able to get their hands on Plans: Sulfuron Hammer, which is a key component in crafting the legendary weapon Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros.

To receive this plan, players must collect a Sulfuron Ingot from the corpse of Golemagg the Incinerator in Molten Core and bring it to Lokthos Darkbargainer, who can be found in The Grim Guzzler within Blackrock Depths. He will then give you the much sought-after plan which teaches you how to craft the Sulfuron Hammer.

Thorium Brotherhood Rewards

Important Note: Several rewards are not available until phase 3-5.


Formula: Enchant Weapon - Strength

Phase 3

Plans: Dark Iron Bracers

Phase 1

Pattern: Corehound Boots

Phase 1

Pattern: Molten Helm

Phase 1

Pattern: Flarecore Gloves

Phase 1

Recipe: Transmute Elemental Fire

Phase 5


Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mighty Spirit

Phase 3

Plans: Fiery Chain Girdle

Phase 1

Pattern: Flarecore Mantle

Phase 1

Pattern: Flarecore Robe

Phase 3

Pattern: Black Dragonscale Boots

Phase 1

Recipe: Lava Belt

Phase 3

Plans: Dark Iron Helm

Phase 3

Plans: Dark Iron Reaver

Phase 1

Plans: Dark Iron Destroyer

Phase 1


Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mighty Intellect

Phase 3

Plans: Fiery Chain Shoulders

Phase 1

Pattern: Molten Belt

Phase 3

Pattern: Flarecore Leggings

Phase 3

Pattern: Chromatic Gauntlets

Phase 3

Recipe: Corehound Belt

Phase 3

Plans: Dark Iron Gauntlets

Phase 3

Plans: Dark Iron Leggings

Phase 3

Plans: Black Amnesty

Phase 3

Plans: Blackfury

Phase 3


Plans: Blackguard

Phase 4

Plans: Nightfall

Phase 3

Plans: Ebon Hand

Phase 3

Plans: Dark Iron Boots

Phase 3

We hope this guide will help get closer to the Thorium Brotherhood!

WoW Classic: How to obtain Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros

Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros is one of the most famous legendary items in World of Warcraft and is also the first obtainable in WoW Classic. Discover our complete guide dedicated to obtaining the two-handed Mace of Ragnaros.

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