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Legends of Runeterra: New Spellshield keyword with Call of the Mountain

Legends of Runeterra: New Spellshield keyword with Call of the Mountain

Like Bilgewater, the upcoming expansion will bring a whole new game mechanic: the Spellshield!

Announced via an enigmatic video yesterday, the new expansion of Legends of Runeterra is still quite a mystery. However, Riot Games posted yesterday a shot video introducing a new keyword for Call of the Mountain: Spellshield.

This mechanic easily reminds Morgana's Black Shield from League of Legends — except that it only protects from one spell or skill instead of making you invulnerable to CC during a certain duration.

Spellshield allows any units to negate the next skill or spell targeting it. For example, a unit with this keyword will be able to escape a Mystic Shot from Ezreal or Stun from Yasuo. Unlike Hearthstone, Spellshield will indeed protect your from all spell effects, including those which don't deal damage.

Riot also unveiled four cards from Call of the Mountain, all of them belonging to the new Targon region. Among them, Bastion grants Spellshield to an ally — which could really well fit in a Fiora deck.

Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra

Tyari, the Traveler represents a correct body for the 2 (2/2) curve, especially with its support of +0 | +2. On the contrary, Mountain Sojourners have a body that seems too slow (2/5 for 5), especially since the effect gives "only" +2 | +2 in support.

Finally, the Arbiter of the Peak recalls an already existing mechanic in the game which is cost reduction which, coupled with its body, make a quite strong card.

That said, it is far too early to judge the power of these cards at this time, as there are still 75 to be seen before August 26!

Original content by Jean-Vincent "Durvil" Cannata.

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo