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WoW Classic: 3rd Stress Test to take place June 19th to 21st on US servers

WoW Classic: 3rd Stress Test to take place June 19th to 21st on US servers

The third "Stress Test" will take place on the WoW Classic beta from Wednesday 19 to Friday 21 June 2019. In order to be able to put the servers in real conditions, Blizzard will grant access to the beta to any active subscribers on US and Oceania regions.

WoW Classic: 3rd Stress Test to take place June 19th to 21st on US servers

This Monday, June 17, Blizzard announced that the third "Stress Test" will be held for the WoW Classic Beta starting Wednesday, June 19 at 08:00 am till Friday, June 21 (Pacific Time). In order to test the efficiency and responsiveness of the servers, all players who have not yet set foot in the beta will be invited to join temporarily from Thursday, June 18. To qualify you must have an active WoW account on either the US or Oceania servers.

This is an important step to allow Blizzard to ensure that the servers will be able to hold up during the start of WoW Classic on August 27, so make sure to take part and remember to give feedback.

Summary of information to know about this stress test

  • Only players with an active US or Oceania World of Warcraft account are invited to join this Stress Test,
  • This is not beta access but an invitation to test the stability of the servers.
  • If you have been invited to participate in this test, you will have the option "Beta & Stress Test: WoW Classic" in your launcher,
  • Players who have been invited to this test will no longer have access to the WoW Classic beta at the end of this test, this is just temporary access to test the servers.
  • All races and classes will be available at creation.
  • You will only be able to reach level 15 at the maximum,
  • Warsong Gulch, Ragefire Chasm, Wailing Caverns and Deadmines will be accessible,
  • The first three hours of this Stress Test will be crucial, Blizzard has requested as many people as possible join during this key window.

Official announcement from Blizzard

We’ll have our next stress test for WoW Classic on June 19, 2019 3:00 PM . This stress test will be accessible to anyone with an active World of Warcraft game account in the Americas & Oceania region. For players who have not yet tested World of Warcraft Classic, the game will become available for download late tomorrow, June 18.

For this stress test, all races and classes will be available for creation, and the maximum character level will be capped at 15. In addition to the open world, there will be instanced content available at that level. This will include Warsong Gulch for PvP as well as Ragefire Chasm, Wailing Caverns, and Deadmines. Of course, Deadmines will be a challenge for players to complete at this level.

Please focus as much play as possible during the first three hours of the stress test. During this time, we’ll be looking for more issues to address under initial launch conditions. The stress test realm will remain available for 48 hours.

If you encounter any issues during the test, please let us know by using the in-game bug reporting tool. If there is anything you’d like to discuss further, feel free to post here in the Classic Discussion forum.

Thank you very much!
WoW Classic: Phase 2 Launches On Wednesday November 13 2019!

The way in which WoW Classic content will be deployed remains one of the major questions for future players, especially regarding PvP. To address these issues, Blizzard recently released the order in which each instance and features will be published.

David Hollingsworth

After 14 years of WoW and years of being told it wasn't worth it, here he is, earning a living writing about the game he loves.