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Grounded : Guides, walkthroughs and cheats

  • Guides
Grounded 1.0: Tips and advice to get you started on the full game

Obsidian's "Honey, I Shrunk The Kids" survival game is finally coming out of early access. It's time to prepare to survive in the incredibly hostile garden, at the controls of a miniaturized kid. Check out our updated guide for the full game to progress easily.

Grounded Weevil: Where to find them, what are they used for?

On this page of our Grounded wiki, we take a look at weevils, one of the first species you'll come across when you start exploring the garden. Indeed, the latter hang around the perimeter of the first research station of the map.

Elf Grounded: Position of the two halves of Sarah's charm

Grounded's best prop is going to require you to find the left Elf, the right Elf, and some pond moss. Here is a guide with a map and directions that will save you a lot of time and then a lot of comfort during your adventures in the garden.

Grounded Abyssal Ridge: Where to find it?

In order to craft the Bone Dagger, Bubble Helmet, and other useful pieces of equipment when exploring the Garden Pond, you need rare materials. Here is a guide with the position of the Abyssal Ridges, as well as how to extract them.

Grounded Moss Covered Key: Where to find it?

In order to open the treasure chest in the depths of the pond, you will have to find a key very well hidden in the darkness. Here is a guild walkthrough, with all the information you may need. A nice loot awaits you, with a Mega Milk Molar and a BURG.L Chip.

Barbecue Grounded: Position and how to avoid sizzling?

It's not a volcano, and there's no lava, but for garden runts, a spilled BBQ is dangerously similar. In order to explore the places, collect EverChar coal, draw the katana and find Milky Molars, you must follow this preparation guide.

Grounded Weevil: How to make it your pet?

The weevil is one of the first insects encountered in Grounded. Completely harmless, it is a good source of food and equipment. Discover all the information about it in this guide, as well as the method to follow to domesticate it.

Grounded pond moss: Where to find it and how to harvest it?

In order to craft the best prop in the game, bringing the two elves together, you need foam. But it turns out to be much more difficult than expected, since, even if it looks like algae, it has nothing to do with it. Find out how to get by in this guide.

Grounded Chrysalis: Position and how to harvest them?

One of the Tier 3 materials you're going to need a lot in Grounded is Chrysalis Leather. Discover all the useful information about them in this guide, such as farming locations, the tool required, and above all, how to save a lot of time.

Cube Grounded: How to unlock the Batch and make them?

After a certain level of upgrading weapons, or forging the best ones, like the katana, you need special cubes, the mighty, the minty, the sour, the salty, and the spicy. Getting them is no small feat. Here is a step by step guide.

Grounded Raven Crossbow: Materials, how to make it?

One of the best weapons in the game can be obtained quite quickly in the garden, knowing what to look for and where. The crossbow is a huge upgrade over the bow in terms of damage and accuracy. We detail all this in this guide.

Orbitel Grounded: How to beat it?

Large yellow and black web-spitting spiders roam all over the garden. Here is a survival guide with tips and advice, in order to beat them quite easily, and thus continue to progress in your exploration.

Grounded Marble: Where to find it and how to use it?

In order to improve your armor in Grounded, and to survive the blows of those cursed spiders, you need to make fragile plating with marble pieces. But it's not always very clear, here is an explanatory guide on how the forge works.

Grounded drinking water: How to manage thirst?

Even if the survival aspect is rather light in Grounded, you still have to learn the right techniques and make some preparations so as not to die stupidly at the bottom of a cave. Check out our drink guide.

Grounded bug: How to beat it?

One of the worst insects in the garden is the chinch bug, aka stink bug, since it will literally gas you up. This makes for a very frustrating fight when you don't know exactly what to do, when you need them for level 2 tools. Check out our guide with tips and advice.