In WoW Classic, Pieces from the Mage's Zul'Gurub tier set can be collected as a reward from completing quests in Zul'Gurub. The Mage's ZG set is called the Illusionist's Attire and is designed to benefit all three specs equally.
Illusionist's Attire
Set bonus
- 2 pieces: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 12.
- 3 pieces: Decreases the mana cost of Arcane Intellect and Arcane Brilliance by 5%.
- 5 pieces: Reduces the casting time of your Flamestrike spell by 0.5 sec.
Necessary Items
In order to get this trinket, you'll have to go to the Edge of Madness in Zul'Gurub and defeat the four bosses there (a different boss will appear fortnightly) to gather the following items.
- Gri'lek's Blood from Gri'lek
- Renataki's Tooth from Renataki
- Hazza'rah's Dream Thread from Hazza'rah
- Wushoolay's Mane from Wushoolay
Note: Each of these bosses will only drop two of each item, which are soulbound when picked up, so be careful!
Once you've acquired all 4, all you have to do is pick up a Punctured Voodoo Doll from one of the many Jinxed Hoodoo Piles in Zul'Gurub, then right click on the Doll to create the trinket.
The Jewel of Kajaro is a reward for reaching Exalted with the Zandalar Tribe. Reaching a new reputation tier will improve your necklace, which is given to you by Al'tabim the All-Seeing on Yojamba Isle in Stranglethorn Vale.
- Friendly: Pebble of Kajaro
- Honoured: Pebble of Kajaro
- Revered: Pebble of Kajaro
- Exalted: Jewel of Kajaro
Hakkari Paragons of Power