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The Deathknight Wing - WoW Classic: Naxxramas Raid Guide

Raid Guides
WoW Classic: Naxxramas Raid Guide
The Deathknight Wing
  • General Information
  • The Spider Wing
  • The Plague Wing
  • The Abomination Wing
  • Frostwyrm Lair
  • Loot & Maps

The First Boss

Instructor Razuvious

Abilities: Disrupting Shout, Hopeless, Unbalancing Strike

Location: In the Deathknight Wing

Type: Humanoid


Recommended Composition:

Recommended Formation:

  • On one side of the ramp

The mobs surrounding Razuvious will be the main source of damage to your raid. If a DPS aggros a Deathknight Understudy, that player will take heavy damage as these mobs are no joke. Therefore, a Rogue's Evasion can be used in a last case scenario to dodge their attacks. Rogues don't need to worry about threat in this fight, as tanks will hold aggro on the boss no matter what they do.

If, by sheer misfortune, one of your tanks drops aggro on the boss, a Rogue should aggro the boss and Evade, giving another tank enough time to build threat on Razuvious.

Priests should divide responsibilities between themselves for this fight: one should heal during the raid while the other should prepare the next mob for Mind Control.

The Second Boss

Gothik the Harvester

Abilities: Harvest Soul

Location: In the Deathknight Wing

Type: Undead


Recommended Formation:

Don't forget that the mobs on the undead side are completely immune to magic, so they should be mainly CC'd with a CC heavy group composition. For the living side, you can employ a traditional lineup of classes!

Phase 1: This boss will continuously spawn undead riders and an additional mob whenever you kill a mob on the the living side, so you'll have to be careful when killing these adds. To prevent the undead side from drowning in a sea of mobs, you must ensure that both groups kill their assigned adds at a similar pace. Spawns will cease 50 seconds before Gothik lands, so all CC needs to be maintained for the rest of the fight.

When Gothik appears, pay close attention to his teleportations.

Phase 2: When Gothik reaches 40% HP, the second phase will begin. You need to attack Gothik and the mobs at the same time so that they die simultaneously. Ranged & Melee DPS must pay close attention to his teleportations, as you can't afford to waste time running after the boss and not dealing damage.

The Third Boss

Thane Korth'azz

Abilities: Mark of Korth'azz, Meteor

Location: In the Deathknight Wing

Type: Undead

Lady Blaumeux

Abilities: Mark of Blaumeux, Shadow Bolt, Unyielding Pain, Void Zone

Location: In the Deathknight Wing

Type: Undead

Highlord Mograine

Abilities: Mark of Mograine, Righteous Fire

Location: In the Deathknight Wing

Type: Undead

Sir Zeliek

Abilities: Mark of Zeliek, Holy Wrath, Condemnation, Holy Bolt

Location: In the Deathknight Wing

Type: Undead


Recommended Formation:

  • Each Horseman should be tanked in one of the room's corners

Players should pay close attention to the Horsemen's Marks, as they can quickly combine with eachother and wipe your raid. This is precisely why you should tank each horseman in a separate corner of the room. You'll need 4 separate groups to pull off this strategy.

Recommended Group Composition:

  • 2 Tanks
  • 3 Healers
  • 1 Ranged DPS

You must swap tanks whenever the main tank is marked, as this will allow them time for the mark to fade. These bosses should all be killed around the same time, as each leaves behind a persistent spirit that creates a death zone around the corpse.

  • General Information
  • The Spider Wing
  • The Deathknight Wing
  • The Plague Wing
  • The Abomination Wing
  • Frostwyrm Lair
  • Loot & Maps
Camille B

Ton pire cauchemar !

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