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All about Killjoy, Valorant Agent: Abilities & more

All about Killjoy, Valorant Agent: Abilities & more

The complete guide to learning how to play Killjoy in Valorant. Discover the skills of the new German agent, her strengths, weaknesses and some tips to play her to the fullest.

All about Killjoy, Valorant Agent: Abilities & more

Killjoy is a German engineer that was added to Valorant with the arrival of Act II. Her powers, which are centered around the defense of a position, are particularly powerful. However, they require some time to activate themselves, making it essential to time when the enemy team will advance in their activation areas.

Killjoy is especially powerful when she knows where her opponents are going to go. For this reason, she shines especially when she defends a spike already planted, as the opposing team is then forced to come to fight on her ground.



1 charge, 200 credit, can be recovered.

EQUIP a covert Alarmbot. FIRE to deploy a bot that hunts down enemies that get in range. After reaching its target, the bot explodes, applying Vulnerable. HOLD EQUIP to recall a deployed bot.


2 charges, 200 credits per charge

EQUIP a Nanoswarm grenade. FIRE to throw the grenade. Upon landing, the Nanoswarm goes covert. ACTIVATE the Nanoswarm to deploy a damaging swarm of nanobots.


1 charge, signature, can be placed again 20 seconds after recalling or 45 seconds after being destroyed

EQUIP a Turret. FIRE to deploy a turret that fires at enemies in a 180-degree cone that deals damage to one enemy at a time, depending on the distance. HOLD EQUIP to recall the deployed turret.

• 0-20m = 8 per shot
• 20-35m = 6 per shot
• 35m + = 4 per shot

• Duration: N/A
• Turret Health: 125



EQUIP the Lockdown device. FIRE to deploy the device. After a long windup, the device Detains all enemies caught in the radius. The device can be destroyed by enemies.

• Duration: 15 seconds
• Device Health: 150

Abilities: additional details


  • The Alarmbot needs a direct line of sight to activate. Smoke, flash, and walls can incapacitate it.
  • Warning: Omen's smoke is hollow inside, if you place it on the Alarmbot and then enter inside, it will see you.
  • Breach's earthquakes do not work on the alarm bot.
  • It takes two classic bullets to destroy a camouflaged bot, but only one to destroy an activated bot.
  • Jett can dodge the explosion with her dash.
  • The bot explosion is in an area and affects all players present, even Killjoy herself and her allies.
  • Makes a sound when concealed.


  • The turret is precise even from a distance, it is more effective on long straights where it can monitor more ground and where it will be more difficult for opponents to destroy.
  • It can be smoke, flashed, or hidden behind a wall.
  • If the turret has already locked an opponent but loses direct vision due to smoke, it will continue to fire through the smoke during a salvo.


  • Lasts 5 seconds
  • Kill an enemy with 100 health over 2 seconds.
  • Deals damage up high, but not down. Can be placed high to reach even higher areas.
  • If opponents are close enough to see the grenade, they are within range of damage.
  • Make a sound when concealed.


  • Capable of stopping an ongoing Spike defuse or plant. Prohibits resuming defuse or plant during its effective duration.

General advice

  • Killjoy is a territorial Agent who shines when defending an area she has previously trapped.
  • Her main flaw is the time she takes to prepare her traps. So she's at her strongest when defending an already planted spike since she can land her skills knowing that the enemy team is being forced to come up to her.
  • If Killjoy is defending, she is particularly good at fighting a rush, but won't take advantage of her skills if the attack is on a point she is not defending.
  • Place a Nanoswarm on the Alarmbot when it goes off immediately to almost guarantee an instant kill.
  • In addition to starting to fire, the Turret makes a special noise when it sees an enemy, so it also serves as an alarm.
  • The Alarmbot and Turret can be picked up from anywhere on the map, allowing Killjoy to change the area she defends mid-round. However, the Nanoswarm cannot be picked up, so she loses her main source of damage if it changes position.
  • With an ultimate offering 13 seconds of charges and 8 seconds of incapacitation, Killjoy can deter the enemy team from approaching the bombsite for 55% of the time available to defuse the spike.

Other agents

Original content by "TheGreatReview".

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo