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Valorant Agent Tier List

Valorant Agent Tier List

Valorant is a competitive game and it's only natural to want to know the best characters available in-game. Discover the strengths and weaknesses of all Agents in our dedicated Tier List.

Valorant Agent Tier List
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In Valorant, there are currently ten available agents. Making a Tier-List is very tricky since the game is still in beta version, and the meta isn't really fixed yet. We can already establish a first ranking of the best agents. It should be noted that no agent is inherently bad. Some will simply be more complicated to play or more suited to certain situations.

This Third List corresponds to the characters that we advise you as players — as opposed to the Composition Tier List that we advise you as teams. The idea isn't to highlight agents who stand out by their individuality or their ability to act alone. The idea is to guide you by exposing the strengths and weaknesses of each agent so that you can find the one that best suits your gameplay.

Tier S

The "S" level of the Tier List represents the agents that stand out from the others in terms of efficiency, usefulness, versatility — and they're the most picked characters by today's best players.


Phoenix is independent and polyvalent. His abilitiy kit is a little technical but not complicated. He isn't the most obvious agentto master at first, but in good hands he's incredible.

Two flashbangs
Great to play duels and hold positions
Ability to heal
Can block area/accesses with his wall
Flashbangs are short and will surprise you at first
All about Phoenix, Valorant Agent

Phoenixis one of Valorant — formerly known as Project A — agents for Riot Games' new FPS. Here is a brief introduction to the character, his skills and abilities. Explosive fireballs, fire walls and phoenix ashes: he will do anything to postpone victory.


Sage is very strong and will be particularly suitable for beginners and players who aren't used to mixing gunfights and abilities. Rather suited for tacticians than real stalwarts, her set puts her in one of the best possible configurations for clutching. It's a popular choice for teams.

Perfect healer kit
Only real healer available
You have nothing in your kit to take over a line or attack an area
All about Sage, Valorant Agent

Sage is one of Valorant agents — formerly known as Project A — Riot Games' new FPS. Here is a brief character's introduction, her skills and abilities. She can heal allies and, more rarely, bring a teammate back to life through her ultimate.


Raze has devastating firepower with her kit. She can also take information and give herself boosts. She's relatively mobile and destructive.

Devastating firepower
Can reach height with Blast Pack
Bit of scouting with her robot
Can't really block access
Valorant: Introducing Raze, the explosive junkie

Raze is the 10th and last known Valorant agent, new Riot Games' FPS. The young duellist will be perfect for attacking or recapturing sites thanks to her explosive gameplay. Her lack of discretion will be quickly compensated by spells that can inflict a lot of damage.


Brimstone will be perfect to carry your allies without necessarily a great aim. Rather for team leaders and strategists, his three smoke bombs are undeniably a great asset. Perfect for beginners.

Three smoke bombs that can be deployed precisely and remotely
Aggressive ultimate
Incendiary grenades whick temporarily blocks access
Stim Beacon is a little below the rest of his kit
All about Brimstone, Valorant Agent

Brimstone is one of Valorant agents — formerly known as Project A — Riot Games' new FPS. Here is a brief character's introduction, his skills and abilities. Supportive fire, smokes, and other incendiaries items: Brimstone stops ennemies, offering precious seconds to his allies.

Tier A

Level A of the Tier List corresponds to agents who are great but not as much as those mentioned above. They're potentially more difficult to handle or more dependent on their team. They remain safe choices.


Sova is the scout par excellence. He'll be very good in an usher role, conquering the biggest lines held by the enemies. His kit allows him to get good information, and his recognition arrow is an asset. However, you have neither control nor mobility; holding a site won't be easy with your kit.

Useful even without buying skills
Recon Bolt is free
Lack control and mobility
All about Sova, Valorant Agent

Sova is an Agent in Valorant, Riot Games' new FPS (formerly known as Project A). Here is a brief character introduction, including skills and abilities.


Breach is here only because it takes time to understand the maps, the game and his skill set. He's a very powerful agent that is recommended for players of all levels. He will be almost necessary in a team.

Ability to open a site
Perhaps the best initiator at the moment
Pleasant and singular kit
A lot of contro that isn't necessarily easy to establish
Breach is more efficient with a responsive team
Valorant: Introducing Breach, an agent made for the attack

Breach is the 9th known agent of Valorant, Riot Games' FPS. He is made for offensive attacks and will be the instigator of good site catches. His gameplay is mainly based on the use of walls through which he can blind, inflict damage or stun his enemies.


Cypher is excellent in defense and in isolated places. His camera and his two traps allow him to get key information — allowing his team to kill enemies and win rounds.

Can play alone
Has a great control over the information on the map
Very independent
Weak on retake
Complicated to make good use of his abilities
All about Cypher, Valorant Agent

Cypher is one of Valorant — formerly known as Project A — agents for Riot Games' new FPS. Here is a brief introduction to the character, his skills and abilities. Cameras, traps, and monitoring devices, Cypher is a master of intelligence gathering.

Tier B

Level B on the Tier List is for agents who are a bit left out, because they seem unbalanced or really hard to handle. Don't forget that it's still perfectly possible to play with them; their skill set will only make it a little less easy for you.


Viper is at the moment only rarely chosen by professionals. Her ability to control an area is very strong, but it probably still deserves some adjustments from Riot Games or a deeper grip from the players.

Very strong in her coverage area
Can greatly control a site
Really needs a set up of her abilities
Requires a good control of her toxic gas
All about Viper, Valorant Agent

Viper is one of Valorant agents — formerly known as Project A — Riot Games' new FPS. Here is a brief character's introduction, her skills and abilities. Acid use, toxin cloud, and other toxic products are the key words of this lover of chemical warfare.


Omen is very technical and his kit can really be very powerful if placed in the hands of great players. However, it's not the easiest to handle and some of his skills can expose you a lot; you need to know when and how to use them properly.

Very tactical
Double-edged kit that can expose you
Complicated mechanics
All about Omen, Valorant Agent

Omen is one of Valorant agents — formerly known as Project A — Riot Games' new FPS. Here is a brief character's introduction, his skills and abilities. Highly mobile and capable of teleporting across the map, he will easily punish opponents out of position.


Jett logically has a flanking role. She needs to go in the enemy's back (or side) to surprise them. The problem is that her skills are very noisy and condemn her — in case of flanking — not to use it. In other words, any agent, at that moment, can do this role of flanking with as much success.

Powerful ultimate
Noisy and probably unbalanced
Ability kit ill-suited to her role
Unintuitive abilities
All about Jett, Valorant Agent

Jett is one of Valorant agents — formerly known as Project A — Riot Games' new FPS. Here is a brief character's introduction, her skills and abilities. Expert in evasion and above all very agile with kunaïs, she's the perfect assassin.

Benoit Pinot

Disons que je chapeaute un peu tout ce qui est World of Warcraft, Dofus et Star Citizen sur le territoire Levalloisien.

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