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Valorant Composition Tier List

Valorant Composition Tier List

What are the best compositions in Valorant? If you don't know how to create synergies with your teammates during your Valorant matches, this Tier List will help you for sure.

Valorant Composition Tier List

Finding the right composition in Valorant requires a minimum of knowledge, reflection and information about the meta. In this guide you'll find all the best compositions used in showmatchs and other Invitationals. These compositions will help you progress and have fun at all levels of play.

What does the meta say?

Out of fourteen compositions in Invitational Grand Finals, nine were made up of Breach, Brimstone, Sage and Cypher.

To complete these teams, Jett and Phoenix were chosen five times each, Omen four times and Viper, Sova and Raze two times. All these agents shared one thing: independent gameplay with duelist capabilities. Their goals were to attack areas and weaken enemy positions by winning their duels.

After many Invitationals, a meta is taking shape with two agents dedicated to controlling and opening sites, two agents in a support role, and one more independent agent to push an objective or take back lines.

THE S-Tier Composition



Brimstone and Breach are on the front line, informed or not by Cypher's camera. Brimstone's smoke bans access or fakes his team's attack into an area. Breach, on the other hand, initiates the attack with his flash through walls and his disorienting beam. Sage and Cypher are further back. Sage will help secure a site with her abilities, while healing a teammate. Cypher will logically take the back with his cameras. The last member of the team will either help trigger on site or attempt to flank the enemy team.


Cypher can play relatively alone and backwards on a point, leaving his four teammates the possibility to play in two groups of two to absolutely seek revenge if one of the two players should fall. Brimstone should position himself more in the centre of the map to quickly deploy his smoke everywhere. Sage is perfectly capable of assuming the role of the pivot while all accesses are still well guarded. In the event of a breach in the defenses, it's more up to the fourth agent to go and retrieve lines or try to take the opponent from behind. On Breach's side, we try to wait for his team for a recovery or to put his teammate in a great position on site thanks to his control.

A more aggressive A-Tier Composition



This composition is more offensive than the other one. You'll have to adapt your gameplay, even in defence. Omen and Phoenix can — if necessary assisted by Brimstone — push zones while remaining relatively safe. With these possible pushs and Cypher always being very viable played alone at the end of the map, defenders can find themselves with two or three players in the middle of the map. One side is then taken alone by Cypher, positioned to take information and slow down the progress. The other side is pushed by the duellists. The middle is held firmly and ready to rotate.


The offensive may be easier than with the previous composition. It can be less organised and can give a lot of emphasis to duellists. We can have a great control of the map thanks to Cypher and his camera to monitor the back. The two duellists can press positions and take lines, supported by Sage and Brimstone to help them and secure the sites once the attack has begun. This composition can be made even more aggressive by replacing Cypher with Breach.

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Benoit Pinot

Disons que je chapeaute un peu tout ce qui est World of Warcraft, Dofus et Star Citizen sur le territoire Levalloisien.