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WoW Classic: Druid's Zul'Gurub Set Guide (Haruspex's Garb)

Armor Tier Sets
WoW Classic: Druid's Zul'Gurub Set Guide (Haruspex's Garb)

Druids can get their hands on pieces of their Zul'Gurub Armour Set by turning in quests related to Zul'Gurub. Here's how you can get your hands on the Druid's Haruspex's Garb.

WoW Classic: Druid's Zul'Gurub Set Guide (Haruspex's Garb)

In WoW Classic, pieces from the Druid's Zul'Gurub tier set can be collected as a reward from completing quests in Zul'Gurub. The Druid's ZG set is called the Haruspex's Garb and is created with the Balance spec in mind.


Haruspex's Garb



Reward From

Pristine Enchanted South Seas Kelp


Pristine Enchanted South Seas Kelp

Maywiki of Zuldazar

Stranglethorn Vale

Zandalar Haruspex's Tunic


Paragons of Power: The Haruspex's Tunic

Maywiki of Zuldazar

Stranglethorn Vale

Zandalar Haruspex's Bracers


Paragons of Power: The Haruspex's Bracers

Maywiki of Zuldazar

Stranglethorn Vale

Zandalar Haruspex's Belt


Paragons of Power: The Haruspex's Belt

Maywiki of Zuldazar

Stranglethorn Vale

Wushoolay's Charm of Nature


Edge of Madness Boss


Set bonus

  • 2 pieces: Restores 4 mana per 5 sec.
  • 3 pieces: Increases the duration of Faerie Fire by 5 sec.
  • 5 pieces: Increases the critical hit chance of your Starfire spell 3%.

Necessary Items

Wushoolay's Charm of Nature

If you want to get your hands on this trinket, head to the Edge of Madness in Zul'Gurub and defeat the four bosses there (a different boss will appear fortnightly) to gather the following items.

Note: Each of these bosses will only drop two of each item, which are soulbound when picked up, so be careful!

Once you've acquired all 4, all you have to do is pick up a Punctured Voodoo Doll from one of the many Jinxed Hoodoo Piles in Zul'Gurub, then right click on the Doll to create the trinket.

Pristine Enchanted South Seas Kelp

Pristine Enchanted South Seas Kelp is given to you as a reward for reaching Exalted with the Zandalar Tribe. Reaching a new reputation tier will improve your necklace, which is given to you by Maywiki of Zuldazar on Yojamba Isle in Stranglethorn Vale.

Hakkari Paragons of Power



Dropped By

Primal Hakkari Tabard


All bosses in Zul'Gurub

except High Priest Venoxis

and Hakkar

Primal Hakkari Stanchion


All bosses in Zul'Gurub

except Hakkar

Primal Hakkari Sash


All bosses in Zul'Gurub

except Hakkar

Hakkars of Darkness — A Guide to Zul'Gurub

Zul'Gurub is a Raid in World of Warcraft Classic. We'll take you through all you need to know about the dungeon, such as how to enter, raid quests, bosses, and loot.


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